May 3, 2024

CNN Analyst Laments ‘Mediocre’ United States: ‘This Country Has A Problem With Arrogance’


CNN analyst Philip Mudd criticized a “mediocre” United States on Wednesday and stated that the “country has a problem with arrogance.”

Mudd, who is also a former CIA counterterrorism expert, went after his home country while appearing on “New Day” to discuss Monday’s shooting in Boulder, Colorado, and the subsequent investigation. He proceeded to blast various societal aspects of the U.S. compared to Europe and Asia, and the inability to see that another country might have “a better way” to do things. (RELATED: Is It Us, Or Does It Seem Like CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Actually Wants To Turn Gun Salesmen Into Amateur Psychologists?)

Host John Berman began by reading a quote from the brother of the alleged Boulder shooter describing some of his brother’s paranoia, which included thinking that people were “investigating” or “chasing” him. Berman then asked Mudd how he’d go about an investigation if he knew that the shooter had experienced paranoia.

Mudd noted it would be difficult to investigate at the local, state, and federal level because “there’s 330 million people” in the country. “I think people who say that are saying things that are appropriate, but there’s a simpler answer,” he added.

“This will offend you. I’m an American. I’m a proud American, but we live in the United States of arrogance,” Mudd continued. “If you look at educational standards in this country, they are mediocre because we cannot look to Asia and Europe and say somebody has a better way. If you look at access to health care in this country, we are mediocre because we cannot look to Asia and Europe and say other people have better access, we should learn.”

“If you look at violent crime and suicide by weapon and you look at Asia and Europe, we simply look at Americans and say we’re exceptional, we cannot look at other countries and say we can learn. This country has a problem with arrogance, John, and you’re seeing it in spades when we’re dealing with these violent crimes,” he concluded.

Berman didn’t follow up on Mudd’s criticism of the U.S. and the topic continued focusing on the Boulder shooter.

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Brandon Gillespie
The Daily Caller 2021-03-24 20:22:00
