May 2, 2024

Woke Lancet Touts ‘Redistribution’ over Economic Growth


The progressive Lancet medical journal chides UK Prime Minister Liz Truss for favoring economic growth over redistribution and energy independence over green ideology.

Ever political, the Lancet editors take Truss to task in their latest issue for refusing to look at the economy “through the lens of redistribution.”

They go on to assert that “rejecting redistribution and referring to transfers of wealth via taxation as handouts fails the UK in important ways.”

Truss’s plan to reduce government spending also earns the Lancet’s opprobrium, since abandoning numerous social programs “under the guise of rejecting so-called nanny state politics would be actively harming the nation’s health on ideological grounds.”

Favoring growth over redistribution is not Truss’s only crime, however, as she also is taking steps to seriously address Britain’s energy crisis.

“The Government’s first steps on the environment have been to bring back fracking, hamper the use of solar power, and dial down commitment to net zero and Paris targets,” the Lancet notes with horror.

“The country must hope that Truss abandons ideological thinking and that the position of Prime Minister helps her operate with nuance and detail, incorporating expertise,” the editors patronizingly suggest.

One might suppose that health professionals would favor putting people back to work and making sure their homes have heating as winter approaches, but sometimes a firm commitment to progressivism requires sacrificing short-term goods for long-term gains.

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This post originally appeared on and written by:
Tama Lanz
Breitbart News 2022-10-14 11:21:00
