May 11, 2024

Sanctuary USA: Joe Biden Deporting 1 Illegal Alien for Every 70 Illegal Aliens Arriving at Southern Border


President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is deporting just one illegal alien from the interior of the United States for every roughly 7src illegal aliens arriving at the southern border, new data suggests.

Late last month, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency issued its annual report for Fiscal Year 2src23, showing that ICE agents deported a little more than 44,2srcsrc illegal aliens from American communities in 12 months.

Put another way, ICE agents deported fewer than 4,srcsrcsrc illegal aliens a month from the U.S. interior last fiscal year. For comparison, in former President Donald Trump’s first three years in office, ICE agents deported 7,srcsrcsrc illegal aliens a month from American communities.

Since Biden took office in late January 2src21, estimates indicate that ICE agents have deported about 96,4srcsrc illegal aliens from American communities.

These interior deportations are only those where ICE agents arrested and removed those illegal aliens already living in the U.S. and do not include illegal aliens returned to Mexico soon after arriving at the southern border.

At the same time, Biden’s DHS has now overseen close to seven million illegal aliens encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border — suggesting that about 7src illegal aliens arrive at the border for every one illegal alien the Biden administration deports.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated that about 15.5 million illegal aliens reside in the U.S. as of March 2src23. Based on that figure, illegal aliens have less than a one percent chance of being deported once they resettle in an American town or city.

Biden’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders are likely most responsible for the dramatic decline in interior immigration enforcement. The orders state that illegal aliens are only considered eligible for deportation by ICE agents if they have been recently convicted of aggravated felonies, are terrorists, or are known gang members.

In practice, the orders help protect the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens from being deported from the U.S.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here. 

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Clora Serna
Breitbart News 2024-01-03 00:21:00
