May 2, 2024


special ops speaksPlease give your attention to this important announcement from Special Operations Speaks. From time to time, we send you content on behalf of third parties we believe may be of interest to you and we believe this one deserves your attention.

They fought for us. Now, let’s march for them.

American Patriot,

I want you to circle the date of Sunday, October 13, 2013.

Million Vet March on DC

And then I want you to help “circle the wagons” on that day to help protect and defend our brave veterans who risked their lives for our freedom – and now are being barred from visiting the memorials erected to honor their deeds.

In a mean-spirited fit of selfish anger, Barack Obama – who never wore a uniform in his life other than Islamic garb – has shut down our nation’s war memorials. And he has declared open war on our honored veterans!

Stand up.
Stand up for our Veterans.
Stand up to Tyranny.
Be Counted. Sign the Petition to Re-Open the War Memorials Permanently.

The World War II memorial … the Vietnam Veterans Memorial … the Korean War Veterans Memorial – Obama has shut them all down to force his will on the House of Representatives and frankly, to get revenge on the American people who oppose Obamacare and his other naked power grabs.

Let’s put it plainly: Barack Obama is behaving like a vicious tyrant. And if he succeeds in this assault on the democratic system, the Republic we love is at mortal risk. It’s just that simple.

That’s why I am asking you now to take two decisive moves to show Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi – and all of their oppressive ilk in Washington – that “We the People” are still in charge. And we won’t rest until we take back our memorials and monuments!

1. First, I would like you to Sign the Petition to re-open the war memorials.

Once your name is on that important petition, it will be delivered to every member of the Senate and the House and we will even put it on the White House website!

2. Block out the date of October 13, 2013 – and then join with the million other patriotic Americans who are determined to unblock our nation’s war memorials. Ideally if you can make it, come to WWII Memorial in Washington D.C. to make the loudest statement, but if you can’t join one of these other rallies around the country.

I’ll be there –along with veterans who are determined to once again fight for freedom – this time on our own Mall!

I know that, like me, you are outraged by the senseless closure of our national war memorials. Many of these memorials are open 24 hours per day, seven daysΒ  a week with little or no staffing and were paid for with taxpayer funds.

You and I – and especially our brave veteranshave a right to visit these sacred places and pay respects to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Stand up.
Stand up for our Veterans.
Stand up to Tyranny.
Be Counted. Sign the Petition to Re-Open the War Memorials Permanently.

Yet, we watched in shock last week as our brave Vets – many in wheelchairs — had to “storm” their own war memorials – monuments that were already paid for with their blood, sweat and tears. And we saw with our own eyes what a vicious tyrant Obama has become.

Now, it is time for us to rise up and take back our war memorials from a petulant president who is holding them hostage to his own selfish demands.

He is using our memorials to work his wicked will.

And it’s time for us to turn out en masse to tell him NO!

So please, sign our petition to re-open the war memorials now. And then, join the Parade of Patriots on Sunday, October 13, 2013, to re-open our memorials once and for all.

​Stand up for our Vets!

Date: Sunday, October 13, 2013
Time: 09:00am
Location: World War II Memorial
17th St SW, Washington, DC 20006
Our veterans fought for us. Now, let’s march for them!


Dick Brauer, Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
Co-Founder of Special Operation Speaks

PS: It’s time for you and I – on behalf of millions of American veterans, alive and dead – to tell Barack Obama, “We paid for those memorials, Mr. Obama – and we intend to keep them open.”Β  Please help us reach out to each and every veteran we possibly can. Consider a contribution to SOS. All proceeds go into our mission and message!

I’ll see you on the mall!
