April 30, 2024

Terrorism and the Tea Party: Who’s Hiding What in the New York City Mayoral Contest?

An October 24 press conference in New York City will ask whether Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio’s ties to anti-American terrorists pose more of a threat to public safety than the Tea Party backers of Republican candidate Joe Lohta. The event is open to the public and the press.

The press conference, is on October 24, Hotel Pennsylvania (across from Penn Station), 401 7th Ave, New York, NY, 10001, Skytop Ballroom,18th floor, 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Free and open to the public. ·        Contact: Cliff Kincaid, 443-964-8208. Kincaid@comcast.net  www.usasurvival.org

“De Blasio accuses Lohta of hiding his Tea Party ties,” notes event organizer Cliff Kincaid, president of the public policy group America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) “If Lohta is somehow hiding his Tea Party connections, so what? The Tea Party people are not terrorists. They simply advocate for fiscal responsibility and our elected officials to live up to their oath to defend the Constitution.”

By contrast, Kincaid added, “De Blasio, who has had three different legal names, omitted his own controversial foreign connections in his official bio and refuses to answer legitimate questions about his past.”

Those connections include De Blasio’s leadership role in the Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, a communist front organization, and his comrades in the Communist Nicaraguan Sandinista movement, who were praised by Libya’s lunatic leader Moammar Gaddafi for having the will to “fight America on its own ground” and promised a “revolution beyond our borders” in Nicaragua. The Sandinistas were backed by the Soviet Union and Castro’s Cuba and fought in the Middle East with the PLO. In 2012, Sandinista leader and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega hosted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a guest of honor.

These matters are far more important than whether de Blasio would bike to work and what he thinks is the best pizza in New York City, topics recently featured in the New York media. On the other hand, the New York Post has run several follow-up stories about the candidate’s controversial foreign connections and is now under attack by de Blasio’s former comrades in the Nicaraguan Solidarity Network.

“The real questions,” Kincaid said, “are what more and what else is de Blasio hiding?” Although some coverage of de Blasio’s ties to anti-American terrorists in Central America has emerged in the press, Kincaid said his event will encourage the media to dig deeper because of the need to protect public safety in New York City.

ASI is an educational organization with a more than ten year track record of exposing extremist groups and threats to the U.S. The group exposed Barack Obama’s communist ties in 2008, including the fact that his childhood mentor growing up in Hawaii was Communist Party propagandist Frank Marshall Davis.

At the event, a series of speakers will attempt to unlock the secrets behind de Blasio’s mysterious trips to Cuba and Nicaragua in the 1980s and ‘90s and his prediction that radical Islam will become a “dominant force” in politics.

The speakers at the event and their topics include:

·         Joe Connor, co-author of the book The New Founders, whose father Frank was murdered in the Fraunces Tavern bombing in New York City, carried out by the Cuban-backed Puerto Rican terrorist group, the FALN. Connor, who is also a 9/11 World Trade Center eyewitness and family member and Tea Party leader, will discuss what de Blasio’s travel to Cuba on a “honeymoon” means to him and what it should mean to all New Yorkers.

·         Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative on Arab/Muslim terror threats to New York City and the need to support the New York City Police Department in the face of political efforts to dismantle or restrict it.

·         Trevor Loudon, author of The Enemies Within, on de Blasio’s commitment to “democratic socialism” and the significance of de Blasio’s work for David Dinkins, the former New York City mayor who was closely associated with the Democratic Socialists of America.

·         Cliff Kincaid, veteran journalist and media critic, on the communist origins of the Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, which was organized by the Soviet-linked U.S. Peace Council, and its subversive sister organization, the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador.

De Blasio, the frontrunner in the New York City mayoral race, says he is “proud” of his work for the Sandinistas and has not disavowed his previous statements in support of “liberation theology” and “democratic socialism.”  He has praised the Sandinistas’ “literacy program,” which was based on a Soviet model and involved an effort to place courses on Marxist-Leninist theory in the Catholic school curriculum.

Kincaid noted that de Blasio has not been asked to explain or defend his statement, recorded in the archives of the Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, that there is a need for political progressives to “understand and build alliances with Islam” because Islam would “soon be a dominant force in politics.”

Kincaid wondered if this attitude helps explain de Blasio’s criticisms of the aggressive tactics of the New York Police Department in thwarting crime and stopping Jihad plots. De Blasio has said he wants to replace Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who hasconducted surveillance of radical Muslims in order to prevent terrorist attacks.

De Blasio has not been asked about a Sandinista terrorist by the name of Patrick Arguello, an American who was killed in 1970 in an airplane hijacking carried out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  

Alluding to Gaddafi’s statement that the Sandinistas “fight America on its own ground,” Kincaid said, “De Blasio obviously agreed, for he raised money for the Sandinistas through a Marxist Catholic group in Maryland called the Quixote Center and traveled to Nicaragua to personally assist these Communist terrorists.”

The New York Times noted that the Quixote Center was once investigated for gun running. The charge was denied and an investigation was dropped after the Center for Constitutional Rights, a New York-based legal group funded by George Soros, and an unnamed member of Congress came to the organization’s defense.

At about the same time, during the 1970s and reaching into the 80s, Castro-sponsored terrorists were carrying out terrorist bombings across the U.S., including the bombing murders of four people at New York City’s Fraunces Tavern on January 24, 1975.

The FALN cooperated with the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army, which carried out the 1981 Brinks armored car robbery and terrorist assault in New York that left Nyack, New York, Police Sgt. Edward O’Grady, Patrolman Waverly Brown and Brinks guard Peter Paige dead.

De Blasio traveled on an alleged “honeymoon” to Castro’s Cuba, reportedly in 1994, at a time when Castro was (and still is) protecting FALN leader William Morales and convicted cop-killer Joanne Chesimard from apprehension by U.S. law enforcement authorities. Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, was recently added to the “Most Wanted Terrorists List” by the FBI. The FBI and New Jersey State Police have said Chesimard, a member of the Black Liberation Army, is still associated with international terrorist networks from her base in Cuba, and that she has supporters and contacts in the U.S.

Kincaid urged the press to investigate de Blasio’s alleged “honeymoon” to Cuba to determine whether the candidate met with Castro’s agents or fugitive terrorists on the illegal trip.

Secret and illegal trips to Cuba are not made for honeymoon purposes,” the ASI President said. “They were done on behalf of the Castro regime, through such groups as the Weather Underground-sponsored Venceremos Brigades.”

“The claim that his trip to Cuba was a ‘honeymoon’ is absurd and laughable on its face,” Kincaid said. “How many other trips to Cuba did he make? What did he do? Whom did he contact?”

The New York Daily News reports that the de Blasio campaign has even declined to answer a series of questions submitted by The News about his name changes.
