May 3, 2024

US Military Has Grounds To Arrest Obama

change we can believe inWhat if the whole Military purge had a bit of self-preservation to it? What if the US Military has grounds to arrest President Obama, not under impeachment, but under usurper status?

This may not be as far-fetched as it seems. In fact, it has some very prominent figures looking at the idea. The argument seems centralized on two very key points. The first is that under the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, there was a fail safe built-in, a third grand jury. There was a citizens grand jury. The last time it was used properly was 1935. It states that there is a third grand jury specifically for corruption. Obama has already been indicted by several of these grand juries. Here is one:

There are several from the NAACP, the Black Caucus, Freedom Watch, and others from as early as 2009 to as late as 2013. The trick is who has the jurisdiction to enforce it?

The second relies on if Obama is a Usurper. A Usurper by definition is to seize and hold power (position, authority, etc) by force and without legal right or t to commit forcible or illegal seizure of an office, power, etc.; encroach ( There are several videos on that as well. Here is one from WND:

We know he gave up his US Citizenship for Indonesia. Forget the Birther movement, did he ever apply to get his US Citizenship back? We don’t know because he sealed his records. If he is a Usurper, it would be the Military’s duty to remove him from that position. Is that why he is purging the Military at a rapid rate?

With that thought in mind comes a well researched account by a person calling themselves watchdog. It is very informative.

It is obviously clear. President Obama is a threat not only to the American people. He is destabilizing the United States every way he can. He did this paying for Treyvon protest trying to start race wars as one example. He is a threat to world peace. He has to be neutralized before he takes the world into an age of war and destruction. Now how can that be done? Congress can pass all the impeachment bills. The US Senate will not by two thirds vote him guilty removing him from office. Politically there is very little that can be done to interpose between Obama and him destroying the world.

So who will step in and take action to avert a disaster from happening? The usurper in the White House is the most lawless President in history that makes Nixon and Clinton look like choir boys in comparison. President Obama does not respect the Constitution and international law. He is waging war against the American people economically and shredding our Bill of Rights daily.

He is waging war against Christianity on the domestic front attacking religious freedom by forcing people of conscience to pay for Obamacare the pays for abortions. He is attacking Christians in the military daring to say the name of Jesus forcing chaplains to marry homosexuals against the moral conviction of the clergy. At the same time erecting Pagan places of worship on military installations. For this matter I call on the Patriots to relieve officers of duty and command who attack the religious freedom of the men and women in uniform. I do not care if the commander is a Buddhist and gay. He must respect and defend all faiths and conscience. If he is willing to follow an unlawful, immoral order without question that will weaken the fighting strength. Then the commanders and officers who carry these immoral orders need to be relieved of command.
