May 3, 2024

Here Are The 28 Republicans Who Gave Obama A ‘Clean’ Debt Limit Increase

Submitted for your approval; here are the names of the 28 Republicans who betrayed the American people, and conservatives sea to shining sea, by voting to give Barack Obama the authority to raise the debt limit and spend our great nation into bankruptcy.

But, before we give you the names (below) there are two points that are worth noting.

Barack Obama may have a pen and a phone but the House of Representatives holds the nation’s checkbook. In essence, John Boehner just signed a blank check and gave it to Barack Obama, along with the authority to borrow the money (much of it from unfriendly foreign nations) to cover the check; and he did it without asking Mr. Obama for anything – repeat, anything – in return. The fact that our nation is already overextended apparently meant nothing and Mr. Boehner, yet again, wasted a golden opportunity to put a stop to Barack Obama’s out-of-control spending.

And no, it’s not unfair to lay most of the blame at the feet of Mr. Boehner. One person, and one person alone, has the authority to block any vote in the House of Representatives, and that’s the Speaker of the House. Don’t be deceived by Mr. Boehner’s statements that he didn’t have enough Republican votes to stop the House of Representatives from raising the debt ceiling; he could have stopped it with one word, “no.”

Moreover, we should consider that John Boehner, once again, broke his promise to employ what is known as the “Hastert Rule” – a unofficial policy that bears the name of former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. Under the Hastert Rule, the Speaker of the House promises to block a vote on any measure that does not have the support of the majority of the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives; and Mr. Boehner broke his word that he would follow the Hastert Rule.

And now, here are the names of the 28 Republican betrayers. Remember these names. Print out this article and post the names on your bedroom wall if you must, but whatever you may do in the future, remember these names:

House Speaker John Boehner, Ohio.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Va.

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, Calif.

Chairman of House Ways and Means Committee, Dave Camp, Mich.

Chairman of House Oversight Committee, Darrell Issa, Calif.

Chairman of House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers, Ky.

Chairman of House Armed Services Committee, Buck McKeon, Calif.

Chairman of House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce, Calif.

Chairman of House Natural Resources Committee Doc Hastings, Wash.

Rep. Ken Calvert, Calif.

Rep. Howard Coble, N.C.

Rep. Chris Collins, N.Y.

Rep. Charlie Dent, Pa.

Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick, Pa.

Rep. Michael Grimm, N.Y.

Rep. Richard Hanna, N.Y.

Rep. Peter King, N.Y.

Rep. Frank LoBiondo, N.J.

Rep. Pat Meehan, Pa.

Rep. Gary Miller, Calif.

Rep. Devin Nunes, Calif.

Rep. Dave Reichert, Wash.

Rep. Peter Roskam, Ill.

Rep. Jon Runyan, N.J.

Rep. John Shimkus, Ill.

Rep. Chris Smith, N.J.

Rep. David Valadao, Calif.

Rep. Frank Wolf, Va.
