May 5, 2024

Mat Staver on Glenn Beck TV Show Today at 5:00 PM EST – On Justina Pelletier, Invasion of Parental Rights

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, will appear on the Glenn Beck TV Show today from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time  to discuss the ongoing story of Justina Pelletier, who was taken from her parents and is currently being denied medical treatment. Yesterday, a Massachusetts judge held a hearing regarding the case but issued no rulings. Justina currently remains in a nonmedical residential facility while her health is continuing to deteriorate. The case is an outrageous invasion of parental rights, and the state is preventing Justina from receiving the medical care recommended by professional doctors and desired by her parents. Mat Staver is seeking to defend the family for speaking out about their daughter’s situation.

Anyone can stream the interview online through a 14-day free trial or $10/mo paid subscription (sign-in required) and Dish TV customers have free access to the show. Please stay updated by connecting with @LibertyCounsel on Twitter or our Facebook page.

If the program is posted online, we will provide a link to the video in this Liberty Alert that will be archived on our website, We will also post it on our Facebook page, or you can visit @GlennBeck on Twitter.

Please read below the news release for more details on this case.

Liberty Counsel Fights for Pelletier Family – Teen Daughter Being Held by State

Today Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, is appearing before the Suffolk County Juvenile Court to defend a family against abuse by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF).

Justina PelletierThis is a story of a 15-year-old ice-skating competitor who was taken from her parents by DCF, locked up for over a year, and is now confined to a wheelchair because of maltreatment for a metabolic disorder. “The story of Justina Pelletier is like a horror movie,” said Staver. Before she was admitted to Boston Children’s Hospital, Justina was being treated for mitochondrial disease, a rare genetic disorder, by Dr. Mark Korson, the chief of metabolism at Tufts Medical Center. At Boston Children’s Hospital, a new doctor, in the seventh month of his internship, changed the working diagnosis from mitochondrial disease to somatoform disorder, shifting her treatment from physical to mental. When Lou and Linda Pelletier tried to discharge their daughter the following day, February 14, 2013, and return her to care at Tufts Medical Center, DCF took Justina as a ward of the state and moved her to Bader Five, the psychiatric ward, where she remained for eleven months. Today Justina is confined at Wayside Youth and Family Support, a nonmedical treatment facility. She is suffering every day with excruciating pain, and her health is rapidly declining.

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Please pray for this family today as we defend their parental rights in court and seek the medical treatment Justina needs.

Read our news release for more details and head over to our Facebook page to let us know what you think. Also, check out this month’s Liberator.
