May 5, 2024


A 20-minute documentary about the uprising in Venezuela since February 12, 2014.
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Upon the strong repression imposed by the Venezuelan regime and the media block out that followed, civilians are left with no more than hope—a hope lead by the desire of democracy, freedom and a better future. But as young students battle to be heard, they are instead hurt, abused and in many cases killed by their country’s security forces.

That is why I decided to do what I know best: report the truth through the eyes of a lens. It is my duty as a Venezuelan journalist to fight for the freedom of expression in my homeland, a right that has been the core of my carrier. Thanks to the thousands of images shared by civilians, Venezuelans around the world are more present than ever, myself included. We seek to inform the globe with the same strong images that have shocked and frustrated us since the national march that took place on February 12—the same images that show serious human right violations that have gone unpunished and overlooked by Venezuela’s regime.

Video by Arianne Alcorta
