April 30, 2024

Sassy T-Shirt Burning Girl: What if Liberal Logic on the 2nd Amendment Were Applied to All Rights?

This pro-Second Amendment rant from sassy “Obama is my homeboy” T-shirt-burning girl Carey Wedler is pretty compelling. But at times, she strays into territory conservatives are not going to agree with.

First off, Wedler extends the flawed logic of gun control supporters to other amendments of the Constitution, which is brilliant rhetorically. Rights are based on principles of humanity that are timeless; the particulars are irrelevant.

She discusses how wars overseas kill more people than those murdered in spree killings. This is factually true, but national security is a legitimate function of the state, and therefore, the justness of war should be argued on a case-by-case basis.

Her knock against the U.S. government for not following the Constitution in regards to issuing declarations of war is definitely legit. But her view of law enforcement as not respecting due process is an extreme overgeneralization. Maybe if she personally knew some police officers, she might change her mind.

Perhaps the most compelling case the young anarchist Wedler makes is a hit against liberals who attack citizens’ rights on gun possession, but have no qualms with arming to the teeth the greatest mass murderers in history: the government.

“It’s time to stop rationalizing your double-standard for government murder, as opposed to regular murder.”

This gives rise to a contradiction: How can you be a “liberal” who is in favor of freeing humanity when you support the coercive means of government to force your way onto people, and would even have them completely disarmed in order for the state to have total control?
