May 4, 2024

Kevin Spacey Turns Back On Hollywood Liberals & Backs Venezuelan Protesters – And His Words Hit HARD


Kevin Spacey is not your average Hollywood actor, by any means. Although he did meet with Hugo Chavez in 2007 and tends to keep his personal life very private, he just wrote a strongly worded statement in defense of the Venezuelan protestors on his blog.

Some key points:

“These students were standing for basic human freedoms and engaging in the right to protest, which is a sacred right whether in Boston, Belarus, or Venzuela.”

“I support all of the Venezuelans who peacefully and non-violently claim their right to self-determination and protest.”

“We who are fortunate enough to live in freedom must stand up to oppression and injustice”

The government of Venezuela has arrested more than 1,400 students and tortured many over protests about food shortages, high inflation, and strict control of the media.

Essentially, citizens have rebelled against the progressive policies supported by the Hollywood left installed by former leader Hugo Chavez. Opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez remains in prison and there is no end in sight to the conflict.

Good for you, Kevin Spacey and when we binge watch House of Cards (again), we’ll remember that in real life you do have a heart!


