May 3, 2024


Is the American narrative really based on theft, plunder, and oppression? I answer that question in America, my new movie.
This week, I revealed a brand new trailer for America with Megyn Kelly on FOX News, complete with clips from some of America’s most vocal critics at home. I will take the destructive arguments of progressives head on. Here’s how! Click to watch:

In the exclusive interview on The Kelly File, I elaborated on one the primary objectives of America the movie.
America stands at a crossroads, and the way we understand our past will determine our future. In the movie, I systematically answer the central moral challenges of America’s critics. In the interview with Megyn Kelly below, I lay out some of the claims that the left levels against America:

This week, I also released a new episode of American Moments, my weekly video podcast.
The original concept of the First Amendment was primarily to protect political speech. In the video, I talk about freedom of speech, especially as it relates to political speech, and, more specifically, political dissent.

Democracy hinges on the ability of the people to be critical of the government, and even the president. If Obama wasn’t happy with 2016, wait until he sees America!
