May 3, 2024

BREAKING: Texas Sends Armed Troops to Defend the Border

The border crisis that Obama has manufactured for political purposes only seems to be getting worse, as illegals pour in hoping for amnesty and being dumped at bus stations in Texas and Arizona by the feds.

Texas has had enough of it, which is why they’ve decided to stop waiting on the feds to do their job and just shut down the border themselves.

The state’s Republican leadership has approved of $1.3 million per week in additional border security to stop the wave of illegal immigration into Texas.

This will include the deployment of armed Department of Public Safety Troops to defend the border.

Via America’s Freedom Fighters:

Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus said in a joint statement that spending on the “law enforcement surge operations” comes as the result of “the absence of adequate resources to secure the border.” The surge would continue until year’s end.

Last week, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott asked the U.S. Homeland Security Department for $30 million so Texas could send more state troopers to the border.

“Texas can’t afford to wait for Washington to act on this crisis, and we will not sit idly by while the safety and security of our citizens are threatened,” Perry said in the statement.

If the feds won’t do it, it’s up to states like Texas to take care of business and secure the border. This is a good example of how states can take matters into their own hands and fight back against Obama’s total lawlessness at the border.



