May 4, 2024

WATCH: Megyn Kelly’s Epic Takedown of Obama is Going Viral [VIDEO]

By now, some might think it would get old seeing skilled political pundits and commentators take President Obama to task for his ever-growing list of policy failures.

These folks couldn’t be more wrong.

Obama and his cronies deserve every lashing they get from the media. The negligence of duty by this president has caused people to lose their lives, including those in Benghazi and the 40 veterans who were put on waiting lists and denied treatment by the VA.

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Now with the release of five terrorists demonstrating the true weakness of the Commander-in-Chief and Iraq falling to pieces due to Obama’s poor decision making, it’s more important than ever for voices of reason to stand up and call the president out for his actions so that some semblance of accountability is maintained.

Megyn Kelly just happens to be one of those voices dedicated to holding the government accountable for its acts of corruption.

Kelly recently dismantled the Obama administration in mere minutes with a monologue on her television program that is simply legendary.

via Rare:

FOX’s Megyn Kelly Tuesday opened her show with a breakdown of the Obama administration everyone should hear.

“Al Qaeda is re-surging, Iraq is disintegrating, and now we may look to Iran to help us stop it … what could possibly go wrong?” she said.

“Domestically, we have a president who has lost the trust of the American people by repeatedly misleading them. He bypasses Congress on matters ranging from Obamacare to immigration law … The American public overwhelmingly regrets ObamaCare, our veterans are dying waiting to see doctors, the IRS intimidates conservative groups,” Kelly said, before bringing out Brit Hume, who overwhelmingly agreed with Kelly.

Kelly concluded by reminding the public just what the president was doing that very moment.

“The president assures us not to worry, smiling, golfing, and at this very moment, partying with fashion queen Anna Wintour … Because the fundraising never stops — not when four Americans die in Benghazi and not when Baghdad is at the brink,” Kelly said.

Boom. Megyn Kelly shreds the president for his willful dereliction of duty and lazy frat boy mentality in five minutes.

Obama has proven time and again that he is not qualified to be in any type of leadership position. He lacks honor and integrity, and his constant violation of the law, what most would deem to be criminal behavior, sets a bad example for young Americans.

Rather than continue to put up with his shenanigans, it’s time for “we the people” to stand together with folks like Megyn Kelly and demand the president be impeached and tried for his actions.

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