April 28, 2024

In case you’ve forgotten what leadership looks like, David Cameron’s ISIS statement

In case you’ve forgotten what leadership looks like, David Cameron’s ISIS statementNo equivocation. No blame shifting. No downplaying. No namby-pamby “blame Bush for the Iraq war” rhetoric.

More importantly, never once does he say “We don’t have a strategy.”

This is a speech made by a man who understands the threat of radical Islam, and isn’t afraid to lay the blame where it belongs. He’s not trying to explain or understand the feelings of the enemy.  He’s not trying to coddle them, deal with them, or work around a direct solution.

He’s not trying to appease.

At the same time, he’s not advocating – as he says – some “knee-jerk” response. He is measured, intelligent, and strong.

He is, unfortunately, not the President of the United States.  He’s UK Prime Minister David Cameron and, if you’ve forgotten what a leader looks like, he’s here to remind you.

After seeing this, Barack Obama should be absolutely, utterly, ashamed of his performance yesterday.

Sadly, that would require a level of introspection of which he seems incapable.

Well done, Mr. Cameron.

