May 7, 2024

Netanyahu: Obama Pushing Anti-American Values – There Will Be No Jew-free Zones In Jerusalem

 Finally, someone with testicular fortitude speaking the truth and calling out the emperor and his new clothes.

We have been running ads alerting Americans to this horror for months, years. Finally, a  respected world leader is telling the truth. Finalmente!

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“Netanyahu: Obama Pushing Anti-American Values – There Will Be No Jew-free Zones In Jerusalem,” By Joseph Gelman| Israel USA,  October 6, 2014 7:02 PM

“I was baffled by his [Obama’s] statement because it doesn’t reflect American values…, I think this is anti-peace… and I’m frankly baffled. It’s not the American way.”

These are truly unprecedented statements by the Prime Minister, representing a new low in Israel’s relationship with President Obama and his administration. The Israeli Prime Minster essentially accused the American President of abandoning American values, or perhaps not even knowing what American values are to begin with.

The idea that the Obama Administration would designate areas of Israel’s own capitol as “Jew-free” is the very definition of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. An accusation that the lowest anti-Semites like to hurl at Israel. There is no prohibition on Arabs legally buying a house in predominantly Jewish areas of Jerusalem… and yet President Obama wishes to designate exclusive Arab Jew-free zones in Jerusalem.

The Obama Administration’s spokesman retorted at today’s White House briefing that; “It did seem odd for him [Netanyahu] to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.” The far left organization J-Street that touts itself as “pro-Israel pro-peace” rushed to President Obama’s defense calling the elected Israeli Prime Minister words “Chutzpah”.

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