May 5, 2024

URGENT: California Passes Legislation to Force Churches to Do Something That’s Sickening

A poll recently revealed that if Americans could kick one state out of the Union, California would be that state.There is good reason for much of America to despise the People’s Republic of California, as it has become a far left liberal state that represents the antithesis of what much of the rest of the country believes in.

California is a welfare state sinking under it’s own weight, drowning in debt, while spending is still out of control.  They have thrown their border wide open to illegal immigrants, are trying to completely disarm their population, and are trying to squash Christianity.

California’s assault on Christian beliefs has just taken on a sickening new front, as they are directly taking on the pro-life contingent within their state, according to WND.

California just changed their state health insurance rules to require churches to pay for elective abortions, as part of health insurance plans for employees.

“Forcing a church to be party to elective abortion is one of the utmost-imaginable assaults on our most fundamental American freedoms,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox, adding that California “is flagrantly violating the federal law that protects employers from being forced into having abortion in their health insurance plans.”

Of course this totally flies in the face of the recent Supreme Court decision regarding Hobby Lobby, which ruled that some companies couldn’t be forced to abide by Obamacare regulations regarding abortion-inducing medications, which violates their religious beliefs.

Seven California churches have filed a formal complaint with the US Department of Health and Human Service Office of Civil Rights, calling the new rules a “grave moral evil” and objecting to “being morally complicit through the provision of insurance coverage for abortion to their employees.”

The complaint points out that California’s Department of Managed Health Care has demanded that all health insurance providers immediately provide coverage for elective abortions.  They are forcing providers to remove any exclusions that would limit coverage of abortions to only those deemed ‘medically necessary’, and are refusing to allow an exemption for “religious employers”.

Flipping the liberal playbook back on liberals themselves, the churches are charging the state with “discrimination”, and calling for an end to federal funds to the state.

“This directive of the DMHC constitutes unlawful discrimination against a health care entity,” the letter said. “DMHC is ‘subject[ing] complainants’ ‘health insurance plan’ ‘to discrimination,’ by denying its approval of the plan that omitted elective abortions, solely ‘on the basis that the [plan] does not … provide coverage of … abortions.’”

The complainants are asking for urgent and swift action, due to the “immediate” nature of the new insurance requirements.

They also say this is a power move by liberals in the state under political pressure from the abortion lobby, and is little more than an end-run around the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if this is sickening, as nobody should be forced to pay for other people’s abortions, especially if they hold religious objections to it.
