May 7, 2024

VIDEO: Josh Earnest Caught Lying about what Obama was doing during Paris March

VIDEO: Josh Earnest Caught Lying about what Obama was doing during Paris March

Never a dull moment during the White House press briefings.

Apparently, Josh Earnest had no idea what Obama was doing during the Paris March that took place with more than a million people and over 40 presidents and prime ministers on the streets of Paris after the brutal terrorist attacks leaving 17 people dead.

Ed Henry: “You obviously prepared for this.. and uh.. you’ve said many times ‘most transparent administration,’ what was the President doing?”

Josh Earnest: “I guess I prepared for a lot of questions today but I did not prepare.. but uh.. for a question based on what the President was actually doing yesterday.”




But interestingly enough, Earnest admits here that the President was just sitting at home…

So which is it Josh? You have no idea or you know very well that the President was sitting at home and could’ve easily made it to Paris? I think we all know the answer to that.
