May 3, 2024

The Council of Foreign Relations and Cuba

obama and council on foreign relationsThe Council on Foreign Relations, which is the Establishment of this nation, has controlled completely the State Department and the officials in the White House who have set the U.S. policy in Cuba. As Perloff indicated, most of the members of the CFR have sympathized with socialism and Marxism in carrying out the goal to bring about a one world government.

Daniel Estulin wrote The Bilderberg Group (2009), a book that has been translated into 48 languages and sold in over 67 countries. He discussed the three powerful organizations that are the invisible government of the United States and most of the world: the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group (BG), and the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Colonel Edward M. House was the most influential advisor of President Woodrow Wilson, who served from 1913 to 1921. His power was so great that Colonel House became almost co-president during the Wilson administration. Colonel House was one of the founders of the CFR in 1921. According to Estulin, Colonel House was a Marxist and wanted a one world government. He supported the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and the passing of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, which introduced the graduated income tax. Colonel House also wrote the plan for the League of Nations as a way to achieve a world government.

The Establishment

The best book written on the CFR is The Shadows of Power: the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (1988) by James Perloff. He explained that the CFR is the Establishment of the United States. Perloff wrote that there are two main objectives of the CFR. The first is the creation of a world government under the single global authority of the United Nations.

The ultimate goal is to erase all national identities and boundaries and the United Nations (U.N.) to rule the planet. The United States and other nations would lose completely their sovereignty, currency, laws, constitutions, and courts. The wealth of rich nations would be distributed to Third World countries which are ruled mostly by dictators. In the United States the dollar would be abolished and Americans would pay U.N. taxes, our industries and businesses would be regulated by a U.N. Environmental Protection Agency, the right to own weapons and private property would be abolished, and many other horrible sanctions would be imposed on Americans under this diabolical plan. The masters would be the powerful individuals who belong to the CFR, BG, and TC which would control the U.N. and the rest of the people of the world would be slaves.

Admiral Chester Ward, former judge advocate general of the United States Navy, was a member of the CFR for almost 20 years. He was shocked by what he discovered of this powerful organization. In 1975, Admiral Chester Ward co-authored a book entitled Kissinger on the Couch (1975) with Phyllis Schlafly. The authors denounced CFR by stating the following regarding this organization: “It has a goal of submergence of the United States sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one world government… This lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership.”

The second goal of the CFR, according to James Perloff, is the advancement of socialism/communism. To support this argument Perloff wrote that dozens of Marxists and socialists, and among them Soviet Leon Trotsky and Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Yugoslavia communist dictator Tito, have published articles in the Foreign Affairs journal of the CFR. Perloff pointed out that when Trotsky died, he was praised in the journal of the CFR.

Perloff wrote in his book that there has always existed as affinity between Marxists and the CFR. For example, in1959, Fidel Castro, Soviet Union Foreign Minister Anastas Mikoyan (who later visited Havana, Cuba), and other communists were invited as guest speakers of the CFR. In subsequent years other communists were invited, such as Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, communist revolutionary leader Guillermo Unger of El Salvador, and various official of the People’s Republic of China. John McCloy, who served as chairman of the CFR, was a close friend of the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev and visited the private house of Khrushchev and swam in his pool.

Perloff concluded in his book that the accusations against the foreign relations Council of wanting a world government and its receptivity to communism are true. Additionally, Perloff stated that the CFR’s heavy presence in Washington has led to a weakening of the United States as a superpower and the destruction of many of its allies over the years.

A granddaughter of President Theodore Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, described the word Establishment as follows: “It is the power elite international finance, business, the professions and government, largely from the North East, who wield most of the power regardless of who is in the White House. Most people are unaware of the existence of this “legitimate Mafia.” Yet the power of the Establishment makes itself felt from the professor who seeks a foundation grant, to the candidate for a cabinet post or State Department job. It affects the nation’s policies in almost every area.”

James Perloff indicated that the American Establishment is associated with big business and the children of these rich families are sent to private schools such as Groton. Upon graduation, they attend Ivy League universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia. While these rich youngsters are enrolled in these Ivy League universities, they join exclusive fraternities, such as Skull and Bones in Yale.

Three United States presidents have been members of this exclusive fraternity at Yale University: William Howard Taft, George Herbert Walker Bush, and his son, George W. Bush. In the 2000 presidential election, George W. Bush and the Democratic candidate Senator John Kerry were both Bonesmen, as member of this powerful and influential fraternity are called. Bright students are given scholarships as Rhodes scholars and attend Oxford University in Great Britain. One such student was Bill Clinton, although unlike many others, he came from a poor family.

Perloff wrote that upon graduation many of the sons and daughters of the American Establishment pursue a career in Wall Street, perhaps joining an international investment bank such as Chase Manhattan or a prominent brokerage house or law firm. Many others are hired as employees or members of the boards of powerful and influential foundations such as the Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie. All others may work at think tanks such as the Brookings Institution, which is a branch of the CFR. These foundations and think tanks are closely aligned with the CFR.

Many of these Establishment individuals serve in Congress and high positions in the federal government, including the presidency. In order to be appointed to the most important cabinet positions in a Republican or Democratic administration, and especially to the Department of State, it is a prerequisite to belong to the Council of Foreign Relations. James Perloff wrote that “since its founding in 1921, the Council has been the Establishment’s chief link to the U.S. government.” Arthur Schlesinger, Junior, a member of the CFR and author of the book, A Thousand Days (1965), and who served in the Kennedy administration, said that the Council of Foreign Relation is a “front organization” for “the heart of the American establishment.”

Perloff pointed out that from the very beginning, the members of the CFR wanted to form a one world government with a centralized global financing system. It attracted capitalists, socialists, opportunists, and some idealists. The Rockefeller and the Carnegie foundations financed the organization. All members were sworn to secrecy. Even though top executives from all major newspapers and magazines and later television channels participated in the meetings, no one reported about what took place and what decisions were reached.

Estulin wrote that one of the earliest critics of the CFR was the mayor of New York City, John F. Hylan, who stated in a speech in 1922 the following: “The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state, and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually runs our government for their own selfish ends.”

The webpage of the Council on Foreign Relations

The webpage of the Council on Foreign Relations describes the organization as follows: “The Council of Foreign Relations is a think tank.” Its website explains the following: “The CFR is dedicated to increasing America´s understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policies. The Council accomplishes this mainly by promoting constructive close debates and discussions, clarifying world issues, and publishing the Foreign Affairs magazine.

The Council of Foreign Relation is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher. CFR members, including Brian Williams, Fareed Zakaria, Angelina Jolie, Chuck Hagel, and Erin Burnett, explain why the Council on Foreign Relations is an indispensable resource in a complex world.

CFR’s current membership of 4,900 is divided among those living in New York, Washington, D.C., and across the country and abroad. For those between the ages of thirty and thirty-six there is the Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program. The Corporate Program serves an international membership of about two hundred leading global corporations.

The David Rockefeller Studies Program—CFR’s think tank—is composed of more than 70 full-time and adjunct fellows who cover the major regions and deal with significant issues shaping today’s international agenda. The program also includes recipients of several one-year fellowships. The Studies Program is organized into more than a dozen program areas and centers that focus on major geographical areas of the world or significant foreign policy issues, including the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geo-economics Studies, the Center for Preventive Action, the International Institutions and Global Governance program (here lies the most important program to achieve a world government under the United Nations and other international organizations), the Civil Society, Markets, Democracy initiative, and the Renewing America initiative.

The bimonthly Foreign Affairs journal is widely considered to be the most influential magazine for the analysis and debate of foreign policy and economics. Its website,, publishes original features on a daily basis and hosts the complete archives going back to 1922.”

Independent Task Forces work to reach consensus on how to deal with critical foreign policy challenges

“CFR’s website is a trusted, nonpartisan source of timely analysis and context on international events and trends. publishes backgrounders, interviews, first-take analysis, expert blogs, and a variety of multimedia offerings that include videos, podcasts, interactive timelines, and the Emmy-winning Crisis Guide Series.”

Unparalleled access in an influential forum

“The convening power of CFR is unparalleled, attracting the most prominent world leaders in government and business.” – CFR Board Co-Chairs Carla A. Hills and Robert E. Rubin.”

“Each year, CFR organizes nearly 1,000 events, providing a nonpartisan forum for members to engage with and gain insight from experts in international affairs. Members have in-person access to world leaders, senior government officials, members of Congress, and prominent thinkers and practitioners in academia, policy, and business, many of whom are members themselves.”

Resources, intellectual capital, and exchange of ideas

“Member resources include CFR’s “think tank” and its wide array of publications and briefing materials. Study and advisory groups provide venues for experts to critique manuscripts and other content produced by our scholars. Members may participate in nonpartisan Independent Task Forces, which offer comprehensive policy prescriptions for major foreign policy issues facing the U.S. government.”

The Council of Foreign Relations is the invisible government of the United States

The above description appears to be that the CFR is an institution dedicated to the analysis of foreign affairs. It states that the CFR is a nonpartisan institution which holds 1,000 events in different cities. But is this true? Nowhere does it say that the powerful members of the CFR are the invisible government of the United States.

The CFR is located in the Harold Pratt House on the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City. The building was donated by the widow of an heir to the Standard Oil Rockefeller fortune. There are 4,900 members who belong to the CFR. Several Hispanics have been appointed to the CFR; among them are Cuban-American Dr. Eduardo Padrón and Nestor T. Carbonell Cortina and other Hispanics such as Maurice H. Ferré, Helen Aguirre Ferré, and Antonio Luis Ferré. However, only a small group of an inner circle is in charge of this organization.

Members of CFR include several former U.S. presidents: Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. The presidents, who do not belong to the CFR, as well as those who do, name CFR members to their most important cabinet positions (such as the secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury). All presidents have also appointed CFR members to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and other important White House positions, such as director of the National Security Council.

The CFR membership is made up of former ambassadors, cabinet officers, bankers, CEOs of multinational corporations, industrialists, high ranking armed force officers, media owners and editors and important reporters, university presidents and key professors, Supreme Court justices, federal judges, think-tank leaders, wealthy Wall Street investors, and entrepreneurs. A very powerful member who has served as president of the CFR is David Rockefeller who is 99 years old. It is important to note that some of the CFR members are patriots who do not want a one world government and are anti-communists. However, many of the powerful members are strong advocates of a U.N. one world government and are Marxists or socialists such as President Barack Obama.

The Council of Foreign Relations and its intervention in the affairs of Cuba

The United States has a long history in intervening in the affairs of Cuba since the Spanish Cuban American War of 1898. After the first U.S. military government in Cuba (1898-1902), the U.S. forced the Platt Amendment to be included in the Cuban Constitution of 1901 as a condition of ending the U.S. occupation of Cuba. In 1906, the U.S. intervened a second time and ran the Island for a period of three years. However, for this article, the author will concentrate on the period from the administration of President Dwight D Eisenhower to that of President Barack Obama.

Even though the majority of Republicans wanted to select Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, the son of the former president, and a strong anti-communist for its candidate for president in the 1952 election, the CFR had a different idea. The CFR drafted General Dwight D. Eisenhower as the presidential candidate of the Republican Party even though the general did not even belong to any party. The members of CFR who owned the major newspapers and other media promoted General Eisenhower.

James Perloff explained that during the Republican nominating convention the Establishment used “dirty tricks”, such as changing the rules from selecting delegates from Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. The delegates who were supporting Senator Taft were replaced by supporters of General Eisenhower. Later, Senator Taft said the following: “First, it was the power of the New York financial interests and a large number of businessmen subject to New York influence, who selected General Eisenhower as a their candidate at least a year ago… Second, four-fifth of the influential newspapers in the country were opposed to me continuously and vociferously and many turn themselves into propaganda sheets for my opponent.”

During the election of 1952 both presidential candidates belonged to the CFR. The Democratic presidential candidate was Adlai Stevenson. So once again, the Establishment or the CFR controlled both political parties. Once elected president, Dwight D Eisenhower selected his cabinet from the membership of the CFR.

Perloff wrote that in 1953 Congress established the Reece Committee to investigate tax-free foundations. For the first and probably last time, the CFR came under official scrutiny.

The conclusion of the Committee was as follows:”In the international field, foundations, and interlock among some of them and certain intermediary organizations, have exercised a strong effect upon our foreign policy and upon public education in things international. This has been accomplished by vast propaganda, by supplying executives and advisers to government and by controlling much research in this area through the power of the purse. The net result of these combine efforts has been to promote “internationalism” in a particular sense-a form directed toward “world government” and a derogation of American “nationalism.”

The Reece Committee report indicated that major foundations “have actively supported attacks upon our social and government system and financed the promotion of socialist and collectivist ideas.” The report also indicated that the CFR was “in essence an agency of the United States government” and that it’s “productions are not objective for our direct it overwhelmingly at promoting the globalist concept.” The CFR-controlled newspapers and other media attacked the report of the Reece Committee.

Perloff wrote that when the Polish people revolted in June 1956 and later the Hungarians in late October 1956 driving out temporarily the Soviets, the Eisenhower administration refused to support those freedom fighters and the Soviets sent their tanks and armed forces and killed thousands. The Soviet rule was bloodily restored in both nations. The United States refused to support the freedom-loving Europeans.

In 1957, New York Times reporter Herbert L. Matthews, who was a member of CFR, was responsible for making the communist rebel Fidel Castro a hero as he portrayed Castro as the future George Washington of Cuba. He wrote a series of articles in the New York Times which received front page coverage in Sunday editions. Matthews described the future bloody dictator of Cuba as “a man of ideals with strong ideas of liberty, democracy, and social justice…” Until the articles appeared in the New York Times no one knew Fidel Castro, so it was Matthews who was responsible for the terrible fate of Cuba.

Just as CFR member George Marshall portrayed Mao as an agrarian reformer and stopped the arms shipment to Chiang Kai-shek in China, the same thing happened in Cuba. The CFR-controlled newspapers began to severely criticize President Fulgencio Batista in Cuba and the U.S. government imposed an embargo on weapons to the Batista government. On December 17, 1958, U.S. Ambassador Earl E.T. Smith was given the order by the State Department to tell Batista to step down. Batista fled Cuba on December 31, 1958. The U.S. State Department could have asked Batista to allow the democratic opposition to win in the presidential elections held that year, but they wanted Fidel Castro to take power.

The CFR-controlled State Department was responsible for the coming to power of the worst and most bloody dictator in the history of the Western Hemisphere. Several socialist officials of the State Department misinformed President Eisenhower as to the ideology of Fidel and Raúl Castro and other people such as Ernesto Che Guevara who were fighting Batista in the mountains. One of those officials was CFR William Wieland.

Servando Gonzalez wrote in an article called the “Chronology of Treason” in 2008 stating the following:

“(1957) Journalist Herbert Matthews (CFR), interviews Fidel Castro in Cuba’s Sierra Maestra Mountains. In the interview, published in the New York Times, Matthews describes Castro as a Cuban Robin Hood and tropical Simon Bolívar, and a lover of democracy and justice. The New York Times’ Chairman of the Board was Arthur Hay Sulzberger (CFR), and the publisher Orvil Dryfoos (CFR).

(1958) Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (CFR) and CIA director Allen Dulles (CFR), of President Eisenhower’s (CFR) administration, betray Cuba’s President by confiscating arms he had bought and paid to fight Castro’s insurgency. The fact demoralizes the Cuban Army and allows for Castro grabbing power in Cuba.

(1958) While State Department official William Wieland (a protégé of CFR founder Sumner Welles), undermines President Batista’s government. The CIA’s chief of station in Havana, and the American consul in Santiago de Cuba, provides Castro with plenty of money as well as weapons and ammunition smuggled from the U.S. military base in Guantanamo.

(1958) Following the advice of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (CFR), and his brother, CIA director Allen Dulles (CFR), President Eisenhower (CFR) sends William Pawley (a close friend of Allen Dulles) to Havana. Pawley informs Batista that the U.S. no longer supports him, and suggests him to surrender power and leave the country.”

Former United States ambassador to Cuba Earl E. T. Smith stated that Fidel Castro could not have come to power without the aid of the United States. He wrote a book about the Communist revolution in Cuba entitled The Fourth Floor, which was published in 1962. He blamed State Department officials who worked on the fourth floor for hiding the ideology of Fidel Castro and his followers. He said that Castro’s victory was a disaster for both Cuba and the United States and could have been avoided.

Former United States ambassador to Cuba Earl E. T. Smith wrote a letter to the New York Times several years after publishing his book and stated the following: “Castro could not have seized power in Cuba without the aid of the United States. American government agencies and the United States press played a major role in bringing Castro to power… As the United States ambassador to Cuba during the Castro communist revolution of 1957- 1959, I had first-hand knowledge of the facts which brought about the rise of Fidel Castro… The State Department constantly intervened-positively, negatively, and by innuendo- to bring about the downfall of President Fulgencio Batista, thereby was making it possible for Fidel Castro to take over the government of Cuba.”

James Perloff stated the following: “Perhaps the greatest shame of the Eisenhower administration was allowing Fidel Castro to transform Cuba into the Soviets’s first outpost in the Western Hemisphere. Despite reasonable evidence, some of the president’s apologist long contended that Castro had not been the communist when he originally to power.”

The controversy was ultimately dispelled when Fidel Castro gave a speech on December 2, 1961, a few months after his victory at the Bay of Pigs. He said the following: “I have always been a Marxist Leninist since the days I was a student at University of Havana.” Castro repeated the same during an interview with Barbara Walters in 1977.

The Bay of Pigs invasion of April 1961 and the October Missile Crisis of October 1962

On March 1960, President Eisenhower ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to begin planning a regime change in Cuba. The CIA began recruiting anti-communist Cubans, who were trained in several places but mostly in the hills of Guatemala. This writer joined what would be later called the Assault Brigade 2506 on April 1, 1961. When this writer arrived in Guatemala, he met his older brother Jorge de Varona and many cousins and classmates from Cuba.

When President John F Kennedy was elected in 1960 he filled his administration with members of the CFR, including several who gave him the advice to abandon the members of the Brigade 2506 at the Bay of Pigs. One of the worst ones was Dean Rusk, who was chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation and became Secretary of State. But there were many others as well.

President John F. Kennedy changed completely the original plan made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the Eisenhower administration to overthrow the Castro regime in Cuba. In order for the invasion of Cuba to succeed not a single change could be made to the plan due to the small numbers of soldiers of the Brigade 2506.

First, President Kennedy changed the landing at Trinidad. This city of 20,000 people in Cuba was next to the Escambray Mountains where many anti-communist rebels were already fighting. Trinidad had docks for the brigade´s obsolete Liberty type WW II cargo ships. It had hospitals to take care of the wounded. Trinidad only had two roads that led to Havana which were easily defended.

Trinidad was the perfect place for the tiny brigade made up of 1,500 soldiers to invade the lsland. There were over 200,000 soldiers in the Castro regime equipped with Soviet Stalin heavy tanks, long-range artillery, and Air Force which included jet aircraft and that was larger than the Brigade Air force. The selection of the tiny villages of Playa Girón and Playa Larga in the Bay of Pigs area was a terrible site for the invasion since there were no docks for the ships, it has reefs, and there was no way to retreat.

Second, the original plan contemplated three air raids by the Brigade World War II B-26 bombers. A total of 48 sorties were to be conducted. Kennedy reduced the first surprise air attack of April 15, 1961 from 16 B-26s to only eight and from all airfields in Cuba to just three. Although the attack was successful, it left the Castro´s regime with two T-33 Jets and several Sea Furies and B-26s. In order for the Bay of Pigs invasion to succeed, not one Castro’s plane could have been left operational since the enemy aircraft could completely destroy the obsolete cargo ships of the Brigade 2506.

CFR members Secretary of State Dean Rusk, White House Director of National Security Mac George Bundy, Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson, and others urged President Kennedy to cancel all subsequent airstrikes after the first reduced surprise air raid. In spite of the strong objections by the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Kennedy followed the terrible advice given by the CFR members of his administration and cancelled all air strikes. This was a decision that doomed the small Brigade 2506. By sending the members of the Brigade to certain defeat, instead of cancelling the operation, President Kennedy committed criminal negligence. It was impossible for the Brigade to succeed. On April 17, 1961, two ships were sunk by enemy planes, including the Houston where this writer was on board. The soldiers who landed fought bravely during three days against 60,000 soldiers. When the brigadistas ran out of ammunition, they tried to escape to the swamps, but practically all were captured including this writer and his brother. One of this author´s cousins, who was a pilot of a B-26, was shot down and killed.

The weakness showed by President Kennedy at the Bay of Pigs emboldened Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, who built the Berlin wall in August 1961 and introduced Intercontinental ballistic missiles in Cuba in October 1962. During the October Missile Crisis, Kennedy made a pact with Khrushchev to never to invade Cuba and he dismantled the U.S. missile bases in Turkey and Italy as the price for the Soviets to withdraw the missiles from Cuba. Unfortunately, subsequent presidents of the United States have abided by the diabolical Kennedy-Khrushchev Pact in which the United States promised never to invade Cuba or tolerate Cubans in the United States to attack the communist regime.

For many years, several U.S. presidents tried to restore diplomatic relations with the tyrannical regime of Fidel Castro. However, the bloody Cuban dictator was not interested and he continued to support communist revolutions and to help terrorists world-wide. CFR anti-communist Cuban American Néstor T. Carbonell (one of a few among the 4,900 members) wrote an article entitled “The Cuba Deal: How Raúl Castro Duped Obama” which was published by Forbes as a guest post on February 27, 2015.

Carbonell wrote the following: “Leading an impressive delegation of foreign policy heavyweights, Rockefeller presented Fidel Castro in February 2001 a proposal developed by the CFR to normalize U.S. relations with Cuba. After five hours of marathon discussions which ended at 4:00 AM, Fidel rejected the “half-measures” proposed by the Council and demanded the unconditional lifting of the U.S. embargo without acquiescing to any significant economic and political reforms. A disillusioned Rockefeller wrote in his memoirs: Castro harangued us continuously throughout the night…I think there is little possibility for change while Castro remains in power…” During this trip David Rockefeller took to Cuba a delegation of 19 important members of the CFR who represented the financial, political, media and academic sectors.

What right does David Rockefeller and members of the CFR have to negotiate on behalf of the U.S. government with the totalitarian and oppressive communist regime of Fidel Castro? CFR, BG, and TC member David Rockefeller and other members of these globalist organizations have violated the Logan Act by meeting numerous times with heads of nations. The Logan Act (1 Sta.613, 30 January 1799, currently codified at 18 U.S.C. & 953) is a federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years. The Act was intended to prohibit United States citizens without authority from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign governments.

David Rockefeller shakes the bloody hand of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

David Rockefeller has invited Fidel Castro to his family home in Westchester County, New York. The billionaire introduced the Cuban bloody dictator to the social elite of Manhattan, individuals of the jet set, and others who represented the financial and political sector. The so-called “radical chic” enjoyed shaking the hands and socializing with Fidel Castro who is responsible for the shooting and death of 14,000 freedom-loving Cubans and for the incarceration of more than 300,000 Cuban patriots. Rockefeller has also invited the bloody dictator Fidel Castro to the Pratt House in New York City, which is the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations, several times. One of Rockefeller’s daughters, CFR Peggy Rockefeller Dulany, invited several professors and organizational experts to travel to Cuba and meet with officials in charge of heavy and light industry. David Rockefeller´s eldest daughter, Abby Rockefeller is a Marxist. She is a great admirer of Fidel Castro and has been involved in many radical organizations in the nation.

Carbonell failed to include in his article that Rockefeller and 14 other members of the CFR, BG, and TC wrote a letter to President Obama on May 19, 2014, which is discussed later on this article, requesting the president to lift the embargo and normalize relations with Cuba. Rockefeller and the CFR were fully aware that Obama was secretly negotiating with Castro for several months. Thus, Rockefeller and the others who signed the letter to provide support to Obama are the ones responsible for Raúl Castro´s duping and making a fool of Obama. Carbonell is correct in saying that even though Cuba negotiated from a very weak position due to the fact that Venezuela is nearly broke; the bloody dictator Raúl Castro “got pretty much what he wanted.”

Carbonell also failed to explain that Julia E. Sweig previously was Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Latin America and is now the Director for Latin American Studies at the CFR. She is a radical leftist who wrote two books on Cuba, on one of them praising many Cuban communists, including Josefina Vidal. Sweig has written many very friendly articles towards Cuba for CFR such as “A Reform Moment in Cuba”? She has advocated the very policy implemented by Obama.

Carbonell is a patriot and concluded his article by stating that “The only way out of the President’s one-sided deal with Cuba is not to give the deceitful Cuban ruler a blank check, but to insist on a step-by-step quid pro quo that would safeguard the interests and security of the U.S. as well as the long-fought aspirations of freedom-loving Cubans.” Of course, Obama will continue to give everything to the bloody regime of Castro and asking nothing in return as he has been doing all along!

The Role of The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group (BG), and the Trilateral Commission (TC) in Obama’s new Cuba policy

More recently, under ºPresident Barack Obama, the powerful members of the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission have again interfered with Cuban affairs. On May 19, 2014, 46 powerful business people, former politicians, and government officials, among them 17 Hispanics (mostly Cuban Americans) wrote an open letter to the president requesting to end the embargo as a way of improving relations with Cuba and open the Island to U.S. multinationals to build factories on the oppressed Island. This letter was rejected by anti-communist Cuban- Americans in the United States and by almost all of the opponents of the tyranny in Cuba. Among this group were 15 individuals who belong to the three powerful organizations that are so influential in the United States and the world, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), and the Bilderberg Group (BG).

This is why a secret and well-coordinated campaign went on for several months which involved multiple editorials written by Colombian journalist Ernesto Londoño in The New York Times. It is well known that this important newspaper in New York City is the voice of the CFR. Other newspapers controlled by these powerful elitist globalists also demanded ending the embargo, releasing the three remaining spies, and restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba.

It was all about money, without regards to the immense suffering of the Cuban people. They know that what Obama did will help the tyranny to remain in power for years to come with Raúl Castro’s very powerful son, Coronel Alejandro Castro, waiting to take over. All the multinationals want is to increase their profits using the slave and very cheap labor in Cuba, a country 90 miles from the United States. How horrible and disgusting!

All of these individuals want to make Cuba the China of the Caribbean by building factories in the Island where workers receive a salary of $20 a month and where there are no unions or any other human rights organization. The fact that the workers in Cuba are oppressed and exploited by the bloody dictatorship is of no concern to the multinational corporations that want to move into the Island to maximize profits.

These multinationals that built factories in China did not care about the oppressed Chinese workers and their miserable wages or about the environmental violations of Beijing. However, now that China is stronger economically and militarily, the dictator Xi Jinping is demanding higher salaries for the Chinese and more concessions from the multinationals.

Cuba offered a unique opportunity. With the Cuban economy seriously at risk due to the imminent bankruptcy of Venezuela, Cuban dictator Raúl Castro wanted to mend fences with the United States to save his brutal regime. Brazil invested $980 million to make the port of Mariel, one of the best in the world with modern gigantic cranes, rail, etc. to accommodate large containers ships. Everything was prepared for the change of U.S. policy towards Cuba.

The following are the most powerful individuals in our nation who are a part the elitist groups (some belong to the three or two groups) and who were responsible for the measures taken by Obama:

  • David Rockefeller [BG, TC, and CFR] – Founder of the BG and TC and long-time president of the CFR, honorary member of the Council of the Americas and one of the most powerful individuals in our nation and the world.
  • Richard Feinberg [BG and CFR] – Former White House Official on Latin America and professor at the University of California in San Diego.
  • Dan Glickman [BG and CFE] – Former Secretary of Agriculture and former congressman from Kansas.
  • Lee Hamilton [BG, TC, and CFR] – Former chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee and Intelligence Committee.
  • Jane Harman [TC and CFR] – Former United States representative.
  • John Negroponte [TC and CFR] – Former Deputy Secretary of State and former Director of the National Intelligence Agency.
  • Ambassador Thomas Pickering [BG, TC, and CFR] – Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He participating in the Benghazi cover-up when he was appointed by Secretary Clinton to a panel and the conclusion favored Clinton.
  • Susan Segal [CFR] – President and CEO of Americas Society/Council of the Americas.
  • Anne-Marie Slaughter [TC and CFR] – President and CEO of New America Foundation and former Director for Policy Planning of the Department of State.
  • Admiral James Stavridis [CFR] – Former Head of the Southern Command of the United States from 2006 to 2009, former Supreme Allied Commander de NATO from 2009 to 2013, Dean of Fletcher School at Tufts University.
  • Alan Stoga [CFR] – President and Founder of Zemi Communications and Vice President of Americas Society.
  • Strobe Talbott [TC and CFR] – Brookings Institution, former Deputy Secretary of State.
  • Arturo Valenzuela [CFR] – Former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and professor of government and international relations at Georgetown University.
  • Alexander Watson [CFR] – Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs.
  • George Weiksner [CFR] – Vice President of Credit Suisse.



The Council on Foreign Relations, which is the Establishment of this nation, has controlled completely the State Department and the officials in the White House who have set the U.S. policy in Cuba. As Perloff indicated, most of the members of the CFR have sympathized with socialism and Marxism in carrying out the goal to bring about a one world government.

Americans need to fight this diabolical idea of allowing our beloved country to lose its sovereignty, Constitution, our laws, and our wealth. Freedom-loving Cubans on both sides of the Straits of Florida need to continue fighting for a free Cuba, realizing that the Obama administration and the CFR and the other two groups, BG and TC, want to invest in Cuba and do not care about restoring a democratic Cuba. Additionally, anti-communist Cubans need to understand that the United States government has not been and is not currently an ally in overthrowing the bloody, tyrannical and oppressive regime of the Castro brothers. It is up to the Cubans to establish a free and democratic nation in the Island.
