May 3, 2024

Unbelievable: US Attorneys Didn’t Prosecute Illegal Immigrants Who Used Dead Americans’ Social Security Numbers to Work

Apparently discovering that the Social Security Administration had roughly 6.5 active social security numbers for Americans aged 112 or older wasn’t the only eye-catching discovery from the office of the inspector general’s audit.

Tucked away in a footnote was another “minor” detail: U.S. attorneys did not prosecute illegal immigrants who used the social security numbers of deceased Americans to work in the U.S.

“In three cases, [the Social Security Administration’s Office of Investigators] confirmed that illegal aliens were using deceased numberholders’ names and SSNs to work,” the footnote says. “But U.S. Attorneys in Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina declined prosecution.”

According to the audit, the Social Security numbers of 34 deceased individuals were illegally being used to obtain work in the U.S.

The fraudulent use of a Social Security number is considered a federal felony, yet for some reason, prosecutors declined to prosecute.
