May 7, 2024

A Deluded Obama Says “I’ve Restored The US As Most Respected Country In The World”

Obama admits US lacks ‘complete strategy’ in IraqMonday while President Barack Obama was answering questions at a town hall with YSEALI Fellows, he said his administration has restored the United States as the “the most respected country on earth.”

“A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?” Ecclesiastes 10:14 (KJV)

Obama said, “People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barely above Russia, and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth.

Part of that I think is because of the work we did to reengage the world and say we want to work with you as partners with mutual interests and mutual respect. It was on that basis we were able to end two wars while still focusing on the very real threat of terrorism and try to work with our partners in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the reason why we are moving in the direction to normalize relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal that we are trying to negotiate with Iran.” source

Reality Check: In Obama’s America in 2015, the United States is barely recognizable. Barack Obama and his team of minions have worked to ensure the following never-ending horror shows:

Sorry, Barry Soetoro, but you and your inflamed ego have done nothing but bring us down to the dirt. You have turned our once-great nation into a baby killing Sodom and Gomorrah where evil is called good and good evil.

People from other nations look on us now with a mixture of disgust and contempt. Certainly very few fear us, and our enemies from the Middle East arrive every day by the truckload in Texas, Arizona, and Detroit. Russia does jet flyovers into our air space on a regular basis and China doesn’t regard us at all.

Obama’s America is sad, scary place to be.

