May 6, 2024

VIDEO: Black Youth Shreds Obama’s Response to Tragic Charleston Massacre

VIDEO: Black Youth Shreds Obama’s Response to Tragic Charleston MassacreBlack youth CJ Pearson, known for uploading amazing political commentary to YouTube, released another video this week — this one about President Barack Obama’s response to the Charleston massacre.

The 12-year-old star started his video by expressing how he felt over what happened.

“I am heartbroken for everyone affected by it,” the young conservative star said, “but what I am even more heartbroken about is how our president politicized this entire thing.”

This Thursday, Obama made a speech in which he insinuated that mass shootings like the one in Charleston would not occur if our gun laws were more stringent. He argued that “we need a change in attitudes (about guns) among everybody,” including “lawful gun owners.”

“This man took the lives of these nine people and said, ‘I simply don’t care … if I have to use you, you and you to further my agenda, that’s A-okay,’” CJ astutely noted.

It sounded as if Obama wanted to use the tragedy in Charleston to hammer away at the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, which to CJ made no sense at all.

“Unlike you, President Obama, I realize that criminals … they don’t abide by the law,” he said. “It’s one of the reason they’re criminals.”

In fact, according to federal gun laws, Charleston shooter Dylann Roof should not have been able to get hold of a weapon. Yet he got one anyway because he was a criminal. And as CJ remarked, “guns don’t kill people … stupid people kill people.”

More specifically, stupid criminals kill people.

“We don’t go out and take away everyone’s cars after a stupid person gets a DUI, because that stupid person’s actions aren’t representative of everyone who drives a car,” CJ argued.

So why does Obama act as if Roof represented every law-abiding gun owner in America, CJ then asked.

Because he’s more concerned with doing “whatever it takes to make sure he gets what he wants done” than he is with giving “closure to so many who have lost a loved one.”

CJ Pearson has figured this out at the age of 12. How much longer do you think we have to give President Obama?

Please share this post on Facebook to let law-abiding gun owners across the country know that, unlike President Barack Hussein Obama, CJ Pearson has their backs.
