May 6, 2024

Happy Independence Day

stringfellow070415Every 4th of July, patriotic Americans celebrate the fundamental essence of what Thomas Jefferson penned in the Declaration of Independence (with Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston); a commemoration of July 4th, 1776, upon which day the Thirteen Colonies set forth the explanation and justification for a parting of ways with Great Britain and the tyrannical rule of King George III: the legal separation occurred on July 2nd, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress approved a resolution of independence proposed by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.

The Declaration of Independence clarifies – as no previous document in history, before or since – the philosophical truth perceived among our founding scholars and statesmen that “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Musket volleys rang out at Lexington and Concord on April 19th, 1775; The American Revolutionary War commenced. Colonials found it more important to face injury or death in the fight for their freedom than to live on their knees under the autocratic rule of King George III. Colonials nurtured, propagated, and cherished a culture of liberty. “Live Free or Die” wasn’t just a catchy turn of phrase.

Cultural Liberty vs. Tyranny

America today is quite different culturally than it was not so long ago. If we look back six decades and contrast today’s cultural chaos with cultural stability of the 1950s, a pattern of gradual disconnection from our traditional cultural normalcy becomes evident; we have been witnessing a radical hiatus from America’s moral foundation. One need look no further than today’s cavalier attitude of the political left in promoting abortion on demand, including the heinous inhumanity of late term abortion.

Judge Robert Bork – a man of brilliant legal mind in American jurisprudence history – summed up our cultural decline concisely in a interview with Terence P. Jeffrey:

Jeffrey: Given the fundamental questions that are being debated in America—marriage, life, whether or not there is a God and what sort of fidelity the state owes to God and his law—what do you think the consequences are for America if we continue down the path we are on today?

Bork: Which path are you talking about?

Jeffrey: The path toward where there is, the traditional moral norms, which used to be enforced culturally as well as in our law—

Bork: Well, I think you are now going down a path towards kind of a happy-go-lucky nihilism. A lot of people are nihilists. They don’t think about religion. They don’t think about ultimate questions. They go along. They worry about consumer goods, comfort, and so forth. As a matter of fact, the abortion question is largely a question about convenience. If you look at the polls about why people have abortions, 90 percent of it has nothing to do with medical conditions. It’s convenience. And that’s I think an example of the secularization of an issue that ought to have a religious dimension.

Jeffrey: You say happy-go-lucky nihilism, but do you think a nihilistic society can remain happy-go-lucky for long?

Bork: I don’t know. I guess we are going to find out.

It’s more challenging to appreciate the cultural morass of today than it is our financial predicaments due to the gradual nature of cultural transformation. Evaluating economic statistics of today in comparison to the economic prosperity of six decades ago – or to the economic prosperity of the two Reagan terms as president – even the politically unaware, whether Democrat or Republican, can often sense that something has gone terribly wrong economically in America; they may not grasp the economic severity or eminent danger it presents, but they know total jobs have decreased as has job quality, rate of pay, job benefits, and the purchasing power of their income.

Ironically, it is the degradation of our traditional American culture – one comprising a “civil society” powering the greatest economic engine ever created – that represents the most eminent threat to our continued survival as a constitutional republic, even though it is less apparent to much of the American electorate than personal economic woes.

The cultural Klaxon horn has been blaring, yet a considerable portion of the American electorate is too overwhelmed and demoralized from barely scraping by to become worked up over anything without a visible, direct bearing on the purchase of groceries, gasoline, health care, clothing, and paying the rent.

The Counter-Revolutionary Culture War

Two political movements are in play, undoing what the Founders and Framers crafted and bequeathed to We, the People: The Progressives and the Progressive Marxists. It is useful to understand the mission of both movements if we seek to identify who they are and how they work. These ideological systems are not identical, and yet both will lead to the same inevitable destination: Tyranny. Their motives and “end game” are the main differences.

When King Barry referred to “fundamentally transforming” America, he was speaking to progressives; sending a progressive message he was “one of them” and aligned with their goal of moving American culture further to the left. The progressive self-image is one of “enlightenment,” whereby the “gifted” endeavor to overlay the blanket of an all-powerful, government-controlled economy and reorganized, involuntary social structure by neutralizing any constitutional prohibitions keeping their “visions of the anointed” from reaching fruition. Their main goal is one of transformation; they view themselves as superior experts managing the complicated affairs of mankind through modifications of our existing constitutional republic. We, the People, are viewed with derision; as incapable of organizing our lives.

Unfortunately, the culture war doesn’t end with progressivism, as the goal of Progressive Marxists isn’t to renovate our existing constitutional republic: their goal is to destroy free capital markets and western civil society in its’ entirety from within by subterfuge, misdirection, sabotage, deceit, and inculcation.

Progressive Marxists are classical Marxists taking a new improved approach to achieve the same goals Karl Marx sought as expressed through his writings; they are Marxist fundamentalists, chipping away at pillars of culture and civil society incognito, instead of promoting open revolt through an uprising of the proletariat.

Karl Marx and King Barry

Italian Marxist theoretician and politician Antonio Gramsci described the new strategy to implement a Marxist Utopian Workers Paradise as “…a long march through the institutions.” The Progressive Marxists have been conducting their long march through our institutions – infiltrating government, media, academia, entertainment, science, and religious organizations – over the past eight decades. King Barry was the right guy, in the right place, at the right time; icing for the cake they were baking.

King Barry is a disciple of Karl Marx, albeit of the progressive school of post-modern Marxism (Marcuse, Alinsky, Fromm, Adorno, Horkheimer, etc.) rather than the classical school of original Marxist revolutionary theory. King Barry was indoctrinated during his formative years by Frank Marshall Davis as a Marxist/Leninist before his conversion in college to the progressive theory of how best to install a Marxist model in the West.

King Barry utilizes the Progressive Marxist strategy of cultural destruction with great effectiveness; one of his favorite methods is the tactic of calculated racial division. His Chicago team of Hyde Park radical left fellow travelers deftly divert, distract, lie, deny, and sow chaos; Truth is always concealed.
The Framers warned of subterfuge as a possibility leading to our destruction from within if Americans let down their guard. As Thomas Jefferson phrased it: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

The gifted Athenian orator and statesman Pericles succinctly phrased the necessity of political involvement to hold accountable those whom we elect: “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”

The Progressives

Progressives occupy both political parties. The Progressive RINO Establishment isn’t overly concerned if they lose again to the Progressive New Democrat Party, since their personal wealth will continue to grow regardless of the 2016 presidential election outcome; it is yet another disingenuous progressive attribute whereby extraordinary hubris is employed to justify corrupt and criminal behavior as reward for manipulating incompetent rubes casting votes for issues they are “incapable of understanding.”

Ivory tower elitists of the ruling class and their knob-polishing political class neophytes living inside the Beltway Bubble have no interest in upholding their constitutional duty; they’ve learned how to game a corrupt and broken system, savoring their “high time” on the taxpayer dime. What a life.

Criminally corrupt behavior of “forward-thinking” progressives working in secret with King Barry have contributed significant fuel to his cultural arson. They didn’t solely initiate the conflagration – nor are they communists at heart – yet their immoral, surreptitious efforts have not merely sustained King Barry’s flames, but helped to facilitate their impressive reach to a new, breath-taking, cultural and economic destructive zenith. Their collusion in waging war against We the People is unassailable.

Elitism is a truly remarkable trick of the mind; so often it is the product of unearned money and power.

Ready for Hillary?

Hillary is a Progressive Marxist. I realize it’s difficult to accept certain painful premises – for example, the Progressive RINO Establishment is completely corrupt – yet it must none-the-less be pointed out Hillary will win the presidency in 2016, perhaps fulfilling a fantasy of being the last nail in our coffin.

That is, of course, unless an American constitutional conservative majority political base becomes righteously engaged enough to stop the Clinton money machine and disrupt the power structure of her Beltway Bubble juggernaut through yeoman-like political involvement and the sheer magnitude of well-informed voter turnout: a voter turnout large enough to offset the various, inevitable types of election fraud and the significant advantages of establishment media ownership.

What will be required to inspire such a voter turnout, along with the effort to make it happen?

History Holds the Proof

Those who’ve been paying attention know the answer: It requires the same type of candidate capable of defeating the Progressive RINO Establishment in the primaries: nothing short of a charismatic, battle-tested, courageous, steadfast, virtuous, and principled constitutional conservative with a warrior’s spirit and a political track record to back it up. These qualifications limit the field considerably. Whoever it is, they had best be ready to fight like a girl; Hillary is vicious, underrated, and will play for keeps.

The American “working class” – for lack of a better term – is the heart and soul of the United States of America; the providers of jobs built with entrepreneurial guts and a laboring populace with the grit and pride to earn their economic way and support their families through virtue, personal integrity, and the hard work it implies: a standard that has always been synonymous with the American work ethic.

History holds the proof of how 2016 must unfold. Reagan’s landslides happened because he was not only able to articulate constitutional conservatism, but actually believed in what the words represent; he was a fighter, and a constitutional scholar with sincerity and conviction everyday working Americans could relate to without feeling like marks at a carnival: the disgraceful view of Americans held by the political class and their ruling class masters of a Beltway Bubble politically inbred hierarchy. Try as they may, stilted words and slick advertising production fail to hide their pernicious contempt.

As a consequence, millions of “Reagan Democrats” – blue collar Democrat voters – crossed over to vote for Ronald Reagan…in two presidential elections. Americans are far smarter than given credit for; they do require inspiration, genuine leadership, and trustworthiness. In a pinch, there’s none better.

If the Progressive RINO Establishment had its way, constitutional conservatism would be a dead letter. The only reason it’s not is because of patriotic fighters, individuals unwilling to surrender our beautiful constitutional republic; people of virtue and integrity leading from the front: Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert, Jeff Sessions, and – even though he badly blew it on the TPA – Ted Cruz, to name those with the most impressive conservative records. Let’s face it: nobody on this earth is perfect.

The hardest part for constitutional conservatives in 2016 – as it was for Reagan – will be defeating the Progressive RINO Establishment and their crony capitalist enablers in the Republican primaries. They will be loaded for bear and ready for conservatives. Will we be ready for them? Let’s make it happen.
