May 5, 2024

Jeb Bush, Rubio, Lindsey Graham in… Trump Is Out of NH Voter’s First Debate

th-5RINO Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham will participate in the Voter’s First Forum in New Hampshire on August 3rd along with 11 other GOP candidates.

But Donald Trump will not attend the event after the organizers published a brutal hit piece on the GOP front-runner.

Donald Trump won’t attend the New Hampshire Voter’s First Forum.
The idiot organizers attacked him last week.

Good luck with your ratings, guys!

The Union Leader reported, via Free Republic:

Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rand Paul are in. Donald Trump is out.

A total of 14 candidates will participate in the Voters First Republican Presidential Forum on Monday, Aug. 3, at St. Anselm College. The two-hour forum, intended to highlight the importance of the first-in-the-nation primary, along with the Iowa caucuses and South Carolina’s early primary.

“I am in the North Country today,” Bush said Thursday, “meeting with voters about my message of reforming the culture in Washington. I’m looking forward to participating in the August 3rd forum. It’s clear it is a great opportunity to engage with Granite Staters about the important issues confronting the nation.”

Spokesmen for Paul and Walker said they are looking forward to the event.

The forum came into being after Fox News was heavily criticized for limiting the first sanctioned TV debate to 10 candidates based solely on national polling. Republicans in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina all wrote letters protesting the polling criteria, but Fox hasn’t budged. However, it has moved up to a 5 p.m. start a second forum for lower-polling candidates. It is unclear how many will attend. The Fox events are in Cleveland, but that state’s governor, John Kasich, may not make the top tier for the primetime debate.

The Voters First Forum is being co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Charleston, S.C., Post and Courier, and the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Gazette. Broadcast co-sponsors are iHeart radio, KCRG-TV, Cedar Rapids; and WLTX-TV in Columbia, S.C. The forum will be broadcast nationally by C-SPAN. New England viewers will be able to watch on NECN. It will be broadcast locally by NH1/WBIN-TV in New Hampshire, as well as by the South Carolina and Iowa stations. It will also air live on NHPR.

Candidate Trump bowed out because, an aide said, he was upset with a Union Leader editorial this week that mocked him for saying that U.S. Sen. John McCain was not a war hero. McCain, shot down by the North Vietnamese, suffered years of torture after refusing to be released early because his father was an admiral.

Joining Bush, Walker, Paul and Sen. Rubio will be Carly Fiorina, Govs. Bobby Jindal, John Kasich and Chris Christie, former Govs. Rick Perry and George Pataki; U.S. Sens. Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, and Dr. Ben Carson.
