May 5, 2024

HUGE New Trump Revelation Stuns Hillary, Bernie, And Biden- Pundits Can’t Believe It..

HUGE New Trump Revelation Stuns Hillary, Bernie, And Biden- Pundits Can’t Believe It..The Donald trumps every major Democrat possibly running for president, according to a new nationwide poll that shows him with potentially record-breaking support among black voters.

The SurveyUSA poll showed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump defeating Democrats Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-VT, and former Vice President Al Gore in head-to-head matchups. According to the survey:

Trump beats Clinton 45 percent – 40 percent, with an 18 point lead among seniors.

Trump beats Sanders 44 percent – 40 percent, with a 10 percent lead among independents.

Trump beats Biden 44 percent – 42 percent, and has a 10 percent lead among the best educated voters.

Trump beats Gore 44 percent – 41 percent, with a 12 percent lead among men and an 18 percent lead among voters over 50.

Among voters who told SurveyUSA they pay a lot of attention to politics, Trump’s margins were even greater. The poll results among avid politics-watchers were:

Trump 54%, Clinton 36%.

Trump 53%, Sanders 39%.

Trump 53%, Biden 37%.

Trump 54%, Gore 36%.

Trump’s poll numbers also show that he has outstanding support among black voters. The poll showed 25 percent of black voters supported Trump in a head-to-head contest with Clinton.

“Trump would more than double the best result for a Republican in modern American history,” wrote Kyle Olsen at The American Mirror, who compared Trump’s numbers in the SurveyUSA poll with the results of Republican presidential candidates since 1996.

Using numbers from the Roper Center, he found that Bob Dole’s 12 percent share of the black vote was the highest percentage of black support given to a Republican candidate in the past 10 presidential elections. By contrast, Mitt Romney received 6 percent in 2012, according to Roper Center figures.

The poll also shows Trump winning 31 percent of the Hispanic vote in a race against Clinton.

Trump last month predicted he would win over minority voters.

“I think I’m going to win – this will surprise you – I’m going to win Hispanics, and I think I’m going to win the African-American vote,” he said on the August 4 edition of MSNC’s “Morning Joe.”.“Because I create jobs and they want jobs.”

Trump recently said race relations are tense in the U.S. and President Barack Obama has made them worse.

Race relations problems are almost at an all-time worst,” Trump said. “And President Obama — I really thought he’d be a unifier. But I thought one thing he’d be is a unifier certainly between African-American and white, and I will tell you that’s turned out not to be so. He has not been a unifier. He’s been a divider.”

h/t: SurveyUSA

SOURCE: Western Journalism
