May 8, 2024


Vatican_1985This writer, as well as many other Catholics around the world, were very surprised when His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI said that he would retire on February 11, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation in a speech in Latin before the cardinals in the Vatican, citing a “lack of strength of mind and body” due to his advanced age. His resignation became effective on February 28, 2013. He is the first pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII in 1415 and the first to do so on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294. Pope Benedict became Pope Emeritus retaining the title of Pope, and continuing to dress in the papal color of white. He was succeeded by Pope Francis on March 13, 2013. But did Pope Benedict XVI resign of his own initiative or was he forced out by a Vatican coup?

Steven Hayward wrote an article titled “The Mystery of Pope Francis: Was There a Vatican Coup” which was published on the website Powerline on September 27, 2015. The reporter said the following: “It was puzzling to many people since the selection of Pope Francis how a left-leaning Pope could succeed two very serious conservative Popes—John Paul II and Benedict XVI—who you would have thought had stacked the ranks of the Cardinals with clergy that would perpetuate their theological and philosophical outlook. Was Benedict hounded out of office by some kind of internal Vatican scandal perhaps? Was there some ecclesiastical version of a coup?”

Edward Pentin wrote an article titled “Cardinal Danneels Admits to Being Part of ‘Mafia’ Club Opposed to Benedict XVI” which was published on September 24, 2015 in the National Catholic Register website. He said that a very serious concern is being raised about Cardinal Godfried Danneels after he confessed in September 2015 to being part of a radical “mafia” reformist group opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. Pentin explained the following: “Cardinal Danneels is already known for having once advised the king of Belgium to sign an abortion law in 1990, for telling a victim of clerical sex abuse to keep quiet, and for refusing to forbid pornographic, educational materials being used in Belgian Catholic schools. He also once said same-sex marriage was a positive development, although he has sought to distinguish such a union from the Church’s understanding of marriage.”

Retired Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop Emeritus of Brussels, admitted to being part of a ‘Mafia’ Club opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. He wrote a letter to Belgium government supporting same-sex marriage legislation because it ended discrimination against LGBT groups. Cardinal Godfried Danneels is one of the papal delegates chosen to attend the upcoming Ordinary Synod on the Family in the Vatican.

The reporter pointed out that according to an authorized biography on Cardinal Danneels co-written by Jürgen Mettepenningen, a former spokesman for Cardinal Danneels’ successor, Archbishop Andre Joseph Leonard, and Karim Schelkens, a Church historian and theologian, the cardinal expressed satisfaction over the end of discrimination against LGBT couples after legislation in Belgium was enacted approving same-sex marriage in 2003. The authors of the biography, which was published on September 29, 2015, indicated that Cardinal Danneels wrote a letter on May 28, 2003 to then Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, who at that time was putting together his second government. In the letter, the cardinal wrote favorably about “one of the last achievements of Verhofstadt’s first governments, the approval of a legal statute for a stable relationship between partners of the same sex.” Verhofstadt’s government introduced same sex-marriage into Belgium in 2003.

Under Belgian Prime Minister Verhofstadt’s administration from 1999 to 2007, the Belgian government not only introduced same-sex marriage, but also laws on euthanasia, experiments on human embryos, and in vitro fertilization. As stated earlier, Cardinal Danneels advised the king of Belgium to sign an abortion law in 1990. The cardinal, not only did not resist all of these horrible laws which went against the doctrine of the Catholic Church, but actually supported them. Belgian Prime Minister Verhofstadt once said: “I never had any problem with the cardinal. Our relationship was good.”

The new authorized biography of retired Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop Emeritus of Brussels, revealed his support for same-sex marriage and his opposition to Pope Benedict XVI.

Pentin said that despite the poor record of Cardinal Danneels and the Belgian Church in resisting these laws, the Vatican listed him second in importance out of 45 delegates personally chosen by Pope Francis to participate in the synod in October 2015. Cardinal Danneels also participated in the 2014 Extraordinary Synod as a papal delegate.

Edward Pentin pointed out that at the recent launch his authorized biography in Brussels, Cardinal Danneels said that he was part of a secret club of cardinals opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. Cardinal Danneels called it a “mafia” club that bore the name of St. Gallen. The group of cardinals wanted to implement drastic reform of the Church in order to make it “much more modern”, and for Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires to head it. This group, which also comprised German Cardinal Walter Kasper and the late Italian Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, was described in Austen Ivereigh’s biography of Pope Francis, The Great Reformer.

Cardenal Walter Kasper

German Cardenal Walter Kasper was born on March 5, 1933. He is President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, having served as its president from 2001 to 2010. Since the death of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, he has become one of the main figures of the progressive wing of the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Kasper proposed to admit to communion Catholic couples who have remarried, while still being legally married according to the Church’s doctrine. This is, of course, a most controversial proposal since it goes against the Church doctrine of many centuries. This proposal seems to have the support of Pope Francis.

German Cardenal Walter Kasper (left) and Belgian Cardenal Godfried Danneels (right) were part of a secret club of cardinals opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. These two cardinals and other bishops and cardinals, including among others, Dutch bishop Adriaan Van Luyn, German Cardinal Karl Lehman, Italian Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, forced Benedict XVI to resign in order to elect Pope Francis, a supporter of the Marxist theology of liberation.

On February 21, 2014 Cardinal Kasper said at the cardinals Consistory held in Rome the following: “The Church cannot question the words of Jesus on the indissolubility of marriage. Whoever expects the Consistory and the Synod to come up with easy, general solutions that apply to everyone, are mistaken. But given the difficulties which families today face and the huge rise in the number of failed marriages, new paths can be explored in order to respond to the deep needs of divorced people who have remarried as part of a civil union, who recognize their failure, convert and after a period of penance ask to be re-admitted to the sacraments.”

The proposal of Cardinal Kasper was met with hostility by the most conservative members of the College of Cardinals. One of them, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis, co-authored the book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church, published in October 2014 to refute Cardinal Kasper’s proposal.

Edward Pentin wrote an article titled “Pope Attacked Over Motu Proprio; Cardinal Kasper Reasserts His Proposal” which was published on September 11, 2015 in the website of the National Catholic Register. He explained that a seven-page document is circulating in the Holy See in which senior Vatican officials have voiced their discontent with the recent change in Church law on annulments, and an absence of consultation over the matter. Pope Francis made “sweeping reforms to make the process of obtaining a declaration of nullity simpler, quicker and cheaper”.

Pentin explained that according to the German newspaper Die Zeit, Vatican officials “picked apart” the Pope’s motu proprio (papal decree) on annulment reform, accusing Pope Francis of giving up an important dogma, and asserting that he has introduced de facto “Catholic divorce”. Additionally, there was concern regarding the lack of involvement of cardinals and bishops in such a decision on annulments, not even including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Critics said “this goes against the Pope’s calls for synodality and collegiality, and resembles an ecclesialized “Führerprinzip”, ruling from the top down, by decree and without any consultation or any checks.”  There is a fear that the motu proprio will lead to a flood of annulments and that couples would be able to end their Catholic marriage without a problem.

The journalist pointed out that “A number of monsignors who are officially in charge of directing the affairs of the Church at large, are beside themselves” and feel obligated to “speak up”, according to Die Zeit. They are also concerned about the “extremely vague” language used in the motu proprio, especially the reasons for a speedy trial, such as “lack of faith” or other motives that are not clearly defined. Cardinal Walter Kasper has said that his proposal has “broad consensus” for its approval.

The cardinal’s comments came a few days after many felt Pope Francis’ annulment reform upended Cardinal Kasper’s proposal by offering a compromise to both sides. Cardinal Kasper’s statements show his determination to reassert his proposal which consists of allowing remarried divorcees receive Holy Communion after a penitential period. Even though Cardinal Kasper’s proposal is supported by the German Church, “the proposal has been firmly rejected by prominent theologians and Church leaders as a serious abuse of the sacraments of the Eucharist, marriage and penance.”

Regarding another issue, Pentin said that 50 concerned theologians have appealed to Pope Francis to uphold the teachings of Humanae Vitae (Pope Paul VI’s encyclical banning contraception) and Veritatis Splendor (Pope St. John Paul II’s 1993 encyclical underlining the Church’s moral teaching). Among those that signed the document included Jesuit Father Kevin Flannery, professor of moral philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University, and philosophy professor Robert Spaemann, a close ally of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Both of them argued that a specific paragraph in the Instrumentum Laboris (working document) for the synod is gravely flawed, effectively emptying Humanae Vitae of its central teaching.

During the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2014, Cardinal Kasper told reporters that since African, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries have a “taboo” against homosexuality, “They should not tell us too much what we have to do.” This seems to indicate that Cardenal Kasper is in favor of same-sex marriage. Once the story broke, Cardinal Kasper denied that he made any such comment. The reporter, who wrote the story, Edward Pentin, subsequently produced a recording of the conversation, which verified that the Cardinal had made those statements. Cardinal Raymond Burke called Cardinal Kasper’s remarks “profoundly sad and scandalous”. Cardenal Kasper admitted that he had lied and subsequently confirmed that he had had the conversation.

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini

The late Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (1927-2012) was a progressive who was opposed to Pope Benedict XVI.

Cardinal Martini was the liberal candidate for the Papacy in the 2005 conclave, following the death of Pope John Paul II. According to highly placed Vatican sources, Martini received more votes (40 to 38) in the first round than Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the conservative candidate. Cardinal Ratzinger ended up with more votes in subsequent rounds and became Pope Benedict XVI.

Carlo Maria Martini was born on February 15, 1927, in Orbassano, near Turin. He died on August 31, 2012. Carlo Maria Martini entered the Society of Jesus at the age of 17 and was ordained a priest in 1952. Cardinal Martini was considered one of the Church’s most influential progressive thinkers.

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini met with Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. Cardinal Martini was part of a secret club of cardinals opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. The group called itself a “mafia” club that bore the name of St. Gallen.

On August 31, 2012, Gaia Pianigiani wrote an article in the New York Times reporting on the death Cardinal Martini and describing his life as a progressive in the Church. He died in a Jesuit retreat near Milan on August 31, 2012 at the age of 85. Cardinal Martini had been archbishop of Milan, Italy for 22 years before retiring in 2002. In the later years of the tenure of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Martini was often mentioned as a strong candidate to be the next pope, especially by members of the Church’s progressive wing. However, in 2005, after Pope John Paul II’s death, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, a conservative opponent of the Marxist theology of liberation and defender of the faith, was the final choice, becoming Pope Benedict XVI.

Jesuit Cardinal Martini was a progressive and his views on a range of subjects — including priestly celibacy, the right to die, condom use and even abortion — sometimes put him at odds with the Church doctrine. In 2005, Cardinal Martini wanted to allow priests to marry under certain circumstances as well as the ordination of women as priests and as deacons. The cardinal challenged official church policy by arguing that condom use was justified in some cases to prevent the spread of AIDS. Much worse was his view on the legalization of abortion as a “positive” development in order to “reduce or eliminate” illegal abortions. He added, however, that the availability of legal abortion should not be construed as a “license to kill”.

Cardinal Martini was an advocate for interfaith dialogue and served on the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews. In the 1960s, as rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, he initiated a program under which Catholic students would go to Israel to study Judaism, biblical archaeology and Hebrew. In a 2004 speech at Gregorian University in Rome, Cardinal Martini said that Catholics could not fully understand their own faith without a meaningful understanding of Judaism. He wrote the book Christianity and Judaism: A Historical and Theological Overview.

Austen Ivereigh’s book about Pope Francis, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope, came out on August 25, 2015. The author said that a group of cardinals secretly opposed Pope Benedict XVI. It is interesting to note that the title of the book says “the Making of a Radical Pope”.

Rod Dreher wrote an article titled “The Anti-Benedict Conspiracy” which was published in the American Conservative website on September 25, 2015. The reporter and author explained that the Italian Marco Tosatti, a Vatican expert wrote the following:

“The election of Jorge Bergoglio was the result of secret meetings that cardinals and bishops, organized by Carlo Maria Martini, held for years in St. Gallen, Switzerland. This, according to Jürgen Mettepenningen and Karim Schelkens, authors of a newly published biography of the Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, who calls the group of cardinals and bishops a “Mafia club”. Danneels according to the authors, worked for years to prepare for the election of Pope Francis, which took place in 2013. Danneels, moreover, in a video recorded during the presentation of the book in Brussels, admits that he was part of a secret club of cardinals who opposed Joseph Ratzinger. Laughing, he calls it “a Mafia club that bore the name of St. Gallen”.

“The group wanted a drastic reform of the Church, much more modern and current, with Jorge Bergoglio, (Pope Francis), as its head. They got what they wanted. Besides Danneels and Martini, according to the book, the group was made up among others of Dutch Bishop Adriaan Van Luyn, German Cardinal Walter Kasper, German Cardinal Karl Lehman, Italian Cardinal Achille Silvestrini and British Cardenal Basil Hume. I underscore that this is not some secretly sourced claim, but it’s from an advance copy of Cardinal Danneels’ official biography, approved by himself”. 

“This is the first confirmation of rumors that had been going around for years about Benedict being thwarted by a liberal conspiracy, one that eventually forced him out. These men — Danneels, Van Luyn, Kasper, Lehman, and Hume, at least — all preside over dying churches. And they killed the Benedict papacy. Danneels, you will note, was given by Francis a prominent place at next month’s Synod on the Family. I am glad this came out now. The orthodox bishops and others going to the Synod now know what a nest of snakes they are working with, and how high up the corruption goes. Poor Pope Benedict. My heart breaks for that good man. Apparently, there has been a lot of talk in some circles about the “Team Bergoglio” affair since Austen Ivereigh’s book about Francis, The Great Reformer, came out late last year.”

Catholics are asking Pope Francis to reaffirm traditional Church teaching on marriage and family at the Synod in Rome

TFP Student Action wrote an article “News release: 625,000 Catholics Ask Pope to Dispel Moral Confusion at Synod” which was published at its website on September 17, 2015.

The article said that Catholics are asking Pope Francis to reaffirm traditional Church teaching on marriage and family at the October 2015 Synod in Rome. A coalition of 58 pro-family groups is promoting a worldwide petition called “Filial Appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis on the Future of the Family.” Thus far the petition has been signed by eight cardinals, 170 bishops and more than 625,000 concerned Catholics from a total of 160 countries. This writer also signed the petition.

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza, one of the prominent petition signers, stated the following: “Catholics in general are deeply perplexed, as the sexual revolution continues to claim the innocence of our children and rip the family apart, we find shepherds within the sacred walls of Holy Mother Church who issue statements that contradict and undermine 2,000 years of sound Church teaching.”

The article pointed out that some cardinals selected to attend the Synod have openly challenged Church moral doctrine. For example, in a recent interview with La Civilta Cattolica, a Jesuit periodical, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna spoke approvingly of homosexual unions. He said that “We can and we must respect the decision to form a union with a person of the same sex [and] to seek means under civil law to protect their living together with laws to ensure such protection.” However, many high-ranking Church leaders disagree with Cardinal Schönborn.

Cardinal Raymond Burke said in a video interview released by Polonia Cristiana that, “It is heresy to teach that homosexual relations…are not disordered, to teach that they have positive elements.” In the same documentary video, Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga added: “… if we believe that homosexuals brought something into the Church, it is nothing but debauchery and licentiousness. … The Holy Scripture beautifully says that such people will not get into Heaven.”

The article concluded by pointing out that more than 625,000 concerned Catholics from a total of 160 countries, including non-Catholic ones, who signed the Filial Appeal petition, are praying that “Pope Francis will set the record straight, dispel the confusion, and reaffirm the Church’s unwavering fidelity to divine and natural law.” Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza concluded: “In times like these, we must recall God’s promise to Saint Peter, ‘That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’ (Matt. 16:18).

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza said that “Catholics in general are deeply perplexed, as the sexual revolution continues to claim the innocence of our children and rip the family apart, we find shepherds within the sacred walls of Holy Mother Church who issue statements that contradict and undermine 2,000 years of sound Church teaching.”

Is the Church leadership betraying its own people?

On September 25, 2015 Pamela Geller wrote an article on her website titled “Mafia club brought down Benedict XVI to make Church much more modern.” Geller said that Pope Benedict XVI spoke honestly about Islam and recently came to light that he was being undermined by a shadowy cabal that wanted to install Cardinal Bergoglio — the present Pope Francis — as Pope and “modernize” the Catholic Church.

Geller wrote the following: “One thing they’ve certainly succeeded in doing is ending all resistance to the global jihad that has victimized hundreds of thousands of Christians. The Church leadership is betraying its own people.” She raises the question as to why an institution that claims to transmit and preserve divine revelation would need to be modern remains unexplained. However, but this palace coup began a significant change in the Church’s stance toward Islam.

Geller wrote that Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium issued on November 24, 2013 explained the following: “In order to sustain dialogue with Islam, suitable training is essential for all involved, not only so that they can be solidly and joyfully grounded in their own identity, but so that they can also acknowledge the values of others, appreciate the concerns underlying their demands and shed light on shared beliefs. We Christians should embrace with affection and respect Muslim immigrants to our countries in the same way that we hope and ask to be received and respected in countries of Islamic tradition. I ask and I humbly entreat those countries to grant Christians freedom to worship and to practice their faith, in light of the freedom which followers of Islam enjoy in Western countries! Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent fundamentalism, our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalizations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.”

Geller wrote that Pope Francis in his address to Congress on September 24, 2015 stated the following: “Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism.”

Geller said the following: “Roman Catholics in the U.S. have such an exaggerated and borderline idolatrous awe for the papacy, they go along with all this readily enough: if the Pope is a Leftist multiculturalist who dissembles about the nature of Islam and the jihad threat, well, then, so are they. Even those who realize that this is not only nonsense, but suicidal nonsense, fear to say anything, out of respect for the Pope and his office.”

Pam Geller wrote the following: “The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, filled with weak and feckless limousine liberals such as Robert McManus, Kevin Farrell and Jaime Soto, has for years been a mouth organ of the far Left, and so today is eager to go along with Francis’ futile, naive, and wrongheaded commitment to dialogue with the Religion of Peace, even at the price of abandoning Middle Eastern Christians to their fate and working actively to silence those who speak out against this persecution. It is as ruthless and persistent as any Inquisition board ever was in rooting out even the slightest public dissent from their “Islam is a religion of peace and dialogue will solve everything, so shut up about the persecuted Christians” line. And so the Catholic Church hierarchy of today opens the gates of the West to those who would destroy it and kill, convert or subjugate its people. I am apparently a very bad Catholic, as I believe all this to an abomination. The Church could have and should have been a voice for a genuinely charitable response to the jihad threat, and a robust defense of the value of Judeo-Christian civilization.”

Pamela Geller wrote another article critical of Pope Francis. It was titled “Here are the Pope’s top seven most outrageous statements on Islam,” which was published at website on January 17, 2015. Geller explained that soon after the Charlie Hebdo jihad slaughter, the Pope said that “one cannot make fun of faith.” She pointed out that Pope Francis did not mention “the relentless persecution of his people under Islamic law or the Islamic Jew-hatred that incited the mass killing at a kosher deli in Paris.”

Pope Francis is praying with an Islamic cleric. Pope Francis has held Islamic prayers at the Vatican for the first time in history.

Pamela Geller, author of Stop Islamization of America (2011), explained the Pope’s most outrageous statements on Islam:

·        Pope Francis made the outrageous claim that authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence.

·        Pope Francis said it is wrong to equate Islam with violence (tell the millions of jihads that).

·        Pope Francis said we should “not shut the door” to dialogue with the savages of the Islamic State (they have ethnically cleansed and killed hundreds of thousands of Christians in Syria and Iraq, there is no one to “dialogue” with).

·        Pope Francis said the clergy should receive a more structured training in the seminary in order to carry out a constructive dialogue with Muslims.

·        Pope Francis has held Islamic prayers at the Vatican for the first time in history.

·        Pope Francis prayed in the Istanbul mosque, facing Mecca

·        In Israel, Pope Francis chose to pray in front of large graffiti comparing Bethlehem in Palestine to the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland during WW II.



This writer believes that the statements made by the Pope regarding Charlie Hebdo jihad slaughter were wrong. Trying to appease Muslims has not stopped the genocide against Christians in the Middle East and other Muslim countries, which has resulted in the death of over million in the last decade. The remarks made by Pope Francis sound somewhat similar the one offered by President Barack Obama at the United Nations—“The world does not belong to those that blaspheme the prophet of Islam.” Perhaps Obama did not go to Paris to support free speech, like many world leaders did, since the magazine insulted his secret religion, Islam.

Pope Francis should remember that either you support free speech—all of it—or you do not. Obama should also defend free speech. Unfortunately, the president and his administration have constantly attacked free speech and the freedom of the press. Islamic radicals want to destroy Christianity and other religions. They will kill or enslave infidels if they do not convert to Islam. Trying to appease Islamic militants will not work.

Pope Francis should be demanding freedom of speech and freedom of the press in totalitarian countries, such as Cuba, since he was instrumental in persuading President Obama to recognize diplomatically the bloody Cuban military dictatorship and practically ending the commercial embargo. These two actions violated the Helms Burton law and the separation of powers clause of the Constitution of the United States. Additionally, the dictator Raúl Castro stated that nothing will change in Cuba and that communism will last another 500 years. The tyrannical regime in Cuba continues to repress the people of the Island.

His Holiness John Paul II, who after his death was canonized, was a great anti-communist and an enemy of the Marxist liberation theology of the Catholic Church. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, future Pope’s Benedict XVI, in his role as doctrinal watchdog, called liberation theology a “singular heresy” and a “fundamental threat” to the Church. This is why the Marxist cardinals in the Vatican deposed Pope Benedict XVI to elect one of their own group, the Argentinian Pope.

It appears to this writer that there was, indeed, a coup engineered at the Vatican to depose His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in order to select Marxist Pope Francis. This writer thinks that it is truly an outrage that Pope Francis has chosen Cardinal Danneels, age 82, to be one of three Belgian prelates to attend the synod in October 2015 in Rome! This shows clearly the corruption in the Vatican with an Argentinian pope, who supports the Marxist theology of liberation, attacks capitalism and free markets economics, meets with Latin Americans communists in the Vatican and in Bolivia, advocates class struggle, and praises Cuban socialism.

There seems to be a nest of cardinal snakes who has taken control of the Holy See, in spite of other cardinals and bishops who are fighting against those cardinals who support the theology of liberation and changing traditional Church doctrine such as advocating same-sex marriage, easy annulments, and giving Holy Communion to divorced couples.

Most Catholics in the United States and around the world are not aware that the Vatican has been infiltrated by communists and that there was a coup at the Vatican to depose anti-communist Pope Benedict XVI. However, in spite of the cover-up by many cardinals, bishops and priests in the United States and other countries of the world, the truth will eventually come to light. Pope Francis will create a split in the Catholic Church among the anti-Communist favoring free market economics. We should all pray to God that the communists are expelled from the Holy See.

Pope Paul VI once said, “The smoke of Satan has entered through some crack in the Temple of God.” We need to pray to God that the Devil’s Marxist smoke is forever expelled from the Holy See!
