May 4, 2024


THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATIONLegal Immigrants For America (LIFA) is very pleased to announce that our new book has just been published!

The new LIFA book is entitled “THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATION.”

“THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATION” is a thorough study of what the Bible tells us about this very important, very timely, and highly politically-charged issue.

“THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATION” looks at examples of migration in the Bible, along with the responsibility of the immigrant, the responsibility of the government, and the responsibility of the Christian.

“THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATION” must be read by every citizen concerned by the issues of legal and illegal immigration in this nation, and must also be read by every Christian, every pastor, and every church and ministry leader who wants to know the truth about what the Bible says concerning these issues, and many others, which are so vital to our nation and our world today.

“THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATION” can be yours today!

“THE BIBLE AND IMMIGRATION” will be sent free of charge to every person who makes an online donation  at Simply go to the LIFA website at and click on the blue “Donate” button at the top of the home page, then make your online donation.
