May 6, 2024

Bernie Sanders Says He ‘Came from Working Class’ – But That Depends on Your Definition of “Working” and “Class”

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders held a rally in California Tuesday after his huge win in the Oregon primary. Bernie has won 20 contests to Hillary’s 24 primary and caucus victories.
bernie california speech

Bernie Sanders told his mindless supporters he came from the working class.

We’re allowing a radical right-wing Republican Party to capture the majority of the votes of the working class in this country. I come from the working class of this country.

But, that was a lie.
Bernie Sanders was a bum who didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was 40 years old. He was a slob who lived in a shack with a dirt floor. He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.

Bernie had his electricity cut off a lot so he’d run an extension cord down to the basement and pilfer his electricity. He couldn’t pay his bills.

Bernie was collecting unemployment benefits during one of his multiple, unsuccessful runs for public office.

Bernie did not come from the working class.

Bernie was a bum.

Source: The Gateway Pundit
