May 3, 2024

Home Depot Co-Founder Makes Stunning Announcement About Trump

18_Gl-_2p011-730x420In an op-ed piece for RealClearPolitics, The Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus said he was supporting Donald Trump, arguing that another four years of liberal policies could ruin the country.

“As a backer of former Republican presidential candidates, I now stand in support of Donald J. Trump because the fate of this nation depends upon sending him, and not Hillary Clinton, to the White House,” Marcus wrote in the Wednesday piece.

“I know Donald Trump, but we’re not close friends,” he explained. “However, I believe he will begin on Day One undoing the damage done by President Barack Obama. I stand ready to help him at every turn.”

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Marcus’ first priority is making sure that the Supreme Court does not veer dangerously leftward.

“Like many, I am deeply concerned about the U.S. Supreme Court. When Trump recently released his list of potential appointees, I grew confident in his resolve to keep our court balanced,” Marcus wrote. “Even more important: Clinton will push the court leftward for generations. She must be stopped.”

He also said that the left’s anti-business policies would wreak further havoc on our economy.

“I genuinely believe that if we to started The Home Depot today, we would fail because of the hurdles government, especially the current administration, places in front of small business owners. I never forget The Home Depot’s small business roots — we started as a small business with four stores in Atlanta, Georgia,” he wrote.

“I think of the banker who nearly lost his job by taking a risk and giving us a line of credit when we started. He didn’t just look at our balance sheet; he believed in our character and determination. Government regulators don’t allow this under Dodd-Frank — a law Hillary Clinton wants to make far worse.

“Yet the risks we took in the 1970s have resulted in millions of jobs — not just at The Home Depot, but at our suppliers, our vendors, and even our customers’ businesses. Investors believed in us, and the government did not stop us.

“We could not do this today, for the same reason why so many Americans have dropped out of the workforce, why their wages have been stagnant, why their health care is a mess, and why our economy has stalled. It’s Obama/Clinton-style government that’s getting in the way.”

Marcus also included a message to anti-Trump elements within the Republican Party.

“One of the greatest lessons we took away from The Home Depot is to always listen to your customers. Without their input, we surely would have failed. Republican leaders must listen to their customers, too — their voters — and they have spoken clearly,” Marcus wrote.

“Make no mistake, Republicans who refuse to stand behind their party’s nominee are electing Clinton, whether they cast their ballots for her or not. I have a message for the #NeverTrump crowd: Enough already. Donald Trump is our presumptive nominee and it is time to get over wishing it were not so. If you don’t, change your social media hashtag to #HillaryGOP,” he continued.

“As a GOP donor who stood steadfastly behind Jeb Bush — and who has contributed to candidates for a generation — I urge all Republicans to stand up and be counted in support for Donald Trump.”
