May 2, 2024

FLASHBACK: Obama Said “Not a Smidgen of Corruption” in IRS Scandal – Now We Know Over 400 Conservative Groups Targeted

President Barack Obama tells the audience, "Don't tell Michelle (Obama)" that he wants a bratwurst and Wisconsin cheese curds, at his town hall-style meeting at Memorial Hall, Wednesday June 30, 2010 in Racine, Wis. (AP Photo/Journal Times, Mark Hertzberg)

Remember this?

In February 2014 Barack Obama told Bill O’Reilly that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal.

This weekend the IRS finally admitted it targeted over 400 conservative groups for intrusive scrutiny.
The Washington Times reported:

The government released names of 426 organizations. Another 40 were not released as part of the list because they had already opted out of being part of the class-action suit.

That total is much higher than the 298 groups the IRS‘ inspector general identified back in May 2013, when investigators first revealed the agency had been subjecting applications to long — potentially illegal — delays, and forcing them to answer intrusive questions about their activities. Tea party and conservative groups said they was the target of unusually heavy investigations and longer delays…

…Sixty of the groups on the list released last month have the word “tea” in their name, 33 have “patriot,” eight refer to the Constitution, and 13 have “912” in their name — which is the monicker of a movement started by conservatives. Another 26 group names refer to “liberty,” though that list does include some groups that are not discernibly conservative in orientation.

In May 2014 a Congressional report revealed 10% of Tea Party donors were audited by the IRS.  This is 10 times more often than regular Americans.

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:
