May 4, 2024

New Report Says Hillary Appointed Donor With no Experience to International Security Advisory Board

New Report Says Hillary Appointed Donor With no Experience to International Security Advisory BoardThe corruption pouring out of Hillary’s time as secretary of state continues to come to the surface more and more as we go along in this election cycle, and just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, a new revelation pops up to prove you wrong.

Good Morning America recently dropped a bombshell report about a major donor to the Clinton Foundation and some of the favors this individual received for their financial contributions.

Check this out.

From The Right Scoop:

Good Morning America ran a bombshell report on Hillary Clinton this morning, showing how a major Clinton Foundation and Democrat donor, who had no known national security or intelligence experience, was place on the top-secret State Department International Security Advisory Board.

When ABC News learned of Rajiv Fernando’s 2011 appointment, they sought him out at the 2012 Democratic Convention to ask him how he had gotten this appointment. But he got angry and threatened them with arrest if they didn’t leave.

Two days later he resigned from the board.

So why the report now? New emails released by the State Department in a lawsuit from Citizens United show that Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s Chief of Staff, added Fernando to the list. His name wasn’t on the original list, the email noted, but was added at the Secretary’s insistence.

The emails also show that when ABC News started asking the State Department about Fernando’s appointment, Cheryl Mills told the press spox to stall for 24 hours. The next day Fernando resigned.

I swear, if you look up the word “corrupt” in the dictionary you’ll find a picture of Hillary’s face.

So basically, she exchanged political favors for money, has illegally used private email servers to conduct government business, got a child rapist off the hook, and attempted to cover up the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi.

And yet she’s the Democratic nominee for president.

This speaks volumes about the lack of character in the Democratic Party, as well as the awful condition of modern American politics.

This woman shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House. The only place she belongs is behind bars.

Source: Young Conservatives
