May 5, 2024

Muslim Terror in Israel and America Evokes Irrational Responses from the Left

GettyImages-82046046-620x413A murderous terror attack took place in Tel Aviv 11 days ago, ripping four innocent lives away from their loved ones forever. One moment they were sitting in a café enjoying themselves, and a split second later they were gone, lifeless, leaving only precious memories behind.

The following Sunday morning in Orlando, Florida at least 49 people in a gay nightclub were murdered in cold blood in the single worst shooting massacre in US history.

Thousands of miles apart, with different targets as victims, both attacks share at least one common element. The murderers were Muslim. In the Middle East, Muslims murdering innocent people has been common for centuries. It’s only in the past couple of decades the horrific phenomenon has reared its ugly head in the US.

There is also another enemy that Israel and the US have in common in this battle: political correctness. In the US the President steadfastly refused to use and then mocked the words “radical Islam’ when referring to any terror attack, even though everyone on planet earth knows it is radical Islam.

When it comes to Israel, many of the world’s leaders, as well as much of the media also refuse to specify radical Islam when describing the murder of innocent Jews.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no problem calling a spade a spade. I think the time has come for President Obama take a lesson from Bibi.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has expressed concern about the influx of radical Islam in America. I suspect this massacre is going to cause many voters to start listening to Trump a little more carefully going forward. He is the antithesis of political correctness at a moment in history when many seem sick and tired of classic Washington political status quo.

If America doesn’t snap to attention soon, the America we all know and have loved for 2 centuries may become a thing of the past.

Regarding the most recent terror attack in Israel, when did Tel Aviv become “disputed territory?”

In the wake of this latest in a lengthy wave of despicable attacks, Israel is left once again to wonder, when will it end? When will those who support and perpetrate such acts realize there exists no moral equivalence between murder and justice? Do these murderers actually think the Jews are going to be intimidated into giving up their rightful homeland? It’s high time they accept this and find another cause to vent their hatred. Their goal will not be realized.

Israel is the one single nation whose people were dispersed throughout the world for two millennia, only to be reborn in its original location. That cannot be coincidence.

However, while sympathetic statements poured in condemning the terrorism, there exists another chorus of voices. These voices minimize the murderous attack on innocent civilians and use the tragedy as a platform for their own agenda. At a moment when grief and shock resounds throughout the country, especially with the bereaved families, they take the opportunity to launch criticism of Israel.

For example, French Foreign Ministry Jean-Marc Ayrault said this in reaction to Israel’s decision to revoke permits for thousands of Muslims planning to enter Israel during Ramadan:

“[T]he decision by the Israeli authorities today to revoke tens of thousands of entry permits could stoke tensions which could lead to a risk of escalation
.we must be careful about anything that could stoke tensions.”

Moreover, while Palestinian Arabs danced in the streets celebrating the brutal murders MSNBC ran a report on the attack, which included the following comments:

“[T]he siege that continues in Gaza
.there’s a tremendous amount of frustration on the part of the Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank
..further oppression in the occupied West Bank.”

New Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman was referred to as an “extreme right winger
he’s a settler himself.”

Adding insult to injury is the ever friendly United Nations. During their 2015 session for example it passed 20 resolutions singling out Israel for criticism. The number of resolutions passed against the rest of the world- 3.

Plus, the office of the UNHRC High Commissioner (United Nations Human Rights Council) Zeed Ra’ad Al Hussein released this statement:

“We are deeply concerned about the response from the Israeli authorities, which includes measures that may amount to prohibitive collective punishment and will only increase the sense of injustice felt by the Palestinians at the very tense time.”

In the totality of the collective untimely salvos at Israel where were any comments regarding the responsibility of the Palestinian Arab leadership? For example, Hamas was eager to take responsibility for the attack, offering praise to the murderers.  Mahmoud Abbas provided a general statement which criticized violence, yet offered no specific condemnation of the attack.

Am I the only one who thinks that after such an event, it might be an appropriate time to suggest Mahmoud Abbas publically condemn the murderers and announce strict measures to prevent such attacks, since the terrorists came from territory he is responsible for? Is it unreasonable to expect that mainstream media such as MSNBC include comments about how little is done by the Palestinian leadership  to prevent ongoing terror? Moreover, would be reasonable to expect that MSNBC state that murdering innocent civilians is unacceptable, period, even if their network disagrees with Israeli policies.

Might one expect that the UNCHR urge the Palestinian leadership to act more like a genuine peace partner by cracking down on the extended intifada which has pushed the prospects for peace further away than ever.  Where are such voices?

Statements from the EU, Britain and even the US did not mention a word about the need for the Palestinian Arabs and their leadership to do a better job of policing their own.  General statements condemning the violence do nothing to prevent similar murders from reoccurring. This is inexcusable.

When the response to terrorism is viewed as less acceptable than terrorism itself, it’s a welcome mat for more.

Sometimes I wonder if two Israelis were sitting in a café in Ramallah or Gaza City and suddenly without warning started shooting indiscriminately at Palestinian Arabs, murdering them in cold blood, what might world reaction be to such horror?

On second thought maybe it’s not such a good idea to wonder such things.

Source: American Thinker
