May 3, 2024


donald-trump nycA meeting between Donald Trump and social Conservative and Christian leaders from across the country took place in New York early last week.  As many as 900 leaders attended the meeting. Opening prayers were given by Christian leader Franklin Graham. The meeting was moderated by Mike Huckabee who sat across from Mr. Trump.  Ben Carson, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. David Jeremiah, Jerry Falwell Jr., Ralph Reed, Kelly Shackelford,  Tony Perkins, Tim Wildmon and our own Dr. Juan Torres, Central Florida Bear Witness Central Director were present among many others (a more complete article will be provided later this week).

Although, because of the large amount of attendees, not everyone was able to ask questions, the answers to questions related to potential Supreme Court nominees, religious freedom, Israel, middle east and abortion had satisfactory responses. In regards to the question about Supreme Court Judges, Mr. Trump indicated that all the judges selected by him would be vetted by the Federalist Society. That was a remarkable answer to a extremely important question, since the next President of the United States will most likely appoint at least two or more Supreme Court justices.

The Federalist Society profess the advancement of the principles of freedom, separation of governmental powers, and that judges are paid to interpret the laws, not to make them. He also in several occasions indicated that he was for religious freedom and he would appoint judges who would defend religious freedom. He was also aware and tired of the war on Christianity in America, starting from the ideas to remove the word “Christmas” to diminishing the role of Christianity in America. He also indicated that current government leaders are selling Christianity down the tubes.  He will support Israel and criticizes the problems with radical Islam.

We are very satisfied that Mr. Trump accepted to meet and listen to a large number of leaders and that the answers to our questions were pleasant, thoughtful, mostly positive and what we expected of a Conservative and patriotic member of our society running for President of the United States. We hope that God will lead him to chose the best people for his Cabinet. There are certainly only two choices in November, one for the Republic, the other for Socialism/Communism/Tyranny, a no vote will effectively be a vote for the opponent.
