May 8, 2024

The Voting System IS Rigged – GET OUT TO VOTE!

The Voting System IS RiggedPeople must get out to vote in mass to prevent fraud, since there is only a small percentage of votes that can change results and become a fraudulent election.-BWC

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”—Joseph Stalin

With all of the election fraud reported in California on Primary Election Day June 7th, it is particularly interesting that former President Bill Clinton met with California Governor Jerry Brown behind closed doors in California the week before the Primary. “They discussed foreign and domestic politics, and yes, the presidential campaign,” said Brown’s spokesman Evan Westrup, the Los Angeles Times reported.

I’ll just bet they discussed foreign and domestic politics… just the way Attorney General Loretta Lynch said she and Bill Clinton talked only of grandchildren, golf, and their respective travels, in a private jet on a tarmac in Arizona.

The electronic vote rigging in California appears to have been designed to keep Bernie supporters from electing him in the primary. And if they can steal an election in California, they can steal the Presidential Election.

Election fraud was widespread during the California Primary election June 7. Thousands upon thousands of California voters showed up at their designated polling stations only to discover that their party registration had been changed, or they were dropped entirely from the rolls. And it was evident this was done from within the state’s electronic voting system.

Many predict there will be massive election fraud during the general election, all to benefit Democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. (This is my SHOCKED face)

Harken back to the 2012 Presidential election. There were reports of voting machines automatically defaulting to a vote for Barack Obama… Reports of 120% voter turnout in far too many precincts… Bus loads of strangers showing up at polling stations… And there were precincts showing 100 percent of the vote for one candidate – Obama.

“One group from Princeton needed only seven minutes and simple hacking tools to install a computer program on a voting machine that took votes for one candidate and gave them to another,” The Hill reported in November 2014. “More whimsically, two researchers showed they could install Pac-Man onto a touch-screen voting machine, leaving no detectable traces of their presence.”

Source: Canada Free Press

ALERT: People must get out to vote in mass to prevent fraud, since there is only a small percentage of votes that can change results and become a fraudulent election.
