May 1, 2024


american_soldier_iraq_graphic This could be written on any day. An American soldier died today in a place far from home, but he did not die alone. He was surrounded by his fellow soldiers, his comrades in arms, who he fought beside every day. They were there to mourn his loss and say a prayer for his soul and his family. They knew that their fellow soldier had died fighting for them, for his family and his country. The question for Americans to ponder is did this soldier die in vain?

The soldier took an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic”. In other words, this soldier, and his brothers and sisters who wear the uniform of a member of our armed forces took an oath to fight for freedom. It is not an oath to fight for a particular politician, a specific political party, or the personal agenda of any politician or party.  The oath is to freedom and the Constitution that is a document that says what it means and means what it says.

This fallen soldier was fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and all of the other freedoms enshrined in the single most important document ever created by a free people. He was not fighting for wimpy college students to have a “safe space” where they could be protected from other Americans who exercised their right to free speech. For this soldier the only safe space was at home with his family in the United States, and he was fighting to keep that place safe from Islamic Jihadists terrorists who are invading it.

He died fighting for freedom, but unfortunately that is a concept many in this country no longer believe in or even comprehend. Too many want a government that gives them “free stuff” so they don’t have to work. American soldiers don’t ask for free stuff, they earn what they get and by the way, the hourly pay for a private in the American military is $8.40 per hour, if they work a 40 hour week which they don’t if in a combat situation. Then they are on call 24 hours a day, and they are not flipping hamburger patties at McDonalds, they are risking their lives for us.

Then unfortunately, when they return home they don’t get the medical care or other benefits they are entitled to because the country they fought for chooses to spend taxpayer dollars providing free stuff to people from other countries that may be coming here to kill Americans. These soldiers took an oath of office almost identical to that taken by our President, members of Congress, federal judges and cabinet members. These soldiers chose to fulfill that oath by giving up their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in defense of freedom. Unfortunately, the members of the federal government who took that oath believe it means that they must enforce political correctness as they define it, even if it means the total destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

The American soldier who died today went into battle as a defender of freedom while ma ny of the politicians who sent him into battle consider him as cannon fodder The deaths of American soldiers are meaningless to these people and that is obvious from the fact that no White House representatives attend their funerals, they only go to the funerals of thugs like Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin.

The American soldiers who are fighting for us know why they are fighting and why they are risking their lives. It is time for the rest of America to decide which side we are on. Will we support our Constitution and the soldiers who defend it or we join the politicians who consider us their subjects who must bend to their will, and become good little drones.

As the son of a World II veteran, the father of two sons currently serving in the army, and a veteran of the U.S. Army myself, I know where I stand. I stand with the American soldier who died today and I pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to ensure that this soldier did not die in vain. Where do you stand?

Michael Connelly


