May 3, 2024

Clinton Answers ‘Could Not Recall’ To FBI 40 Times


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “could not recall” or “did not remember” at least 40 times when asked questions by the FBI, according to an 11-page summary of the FBI’s interview with Clinton released Friday.

The Democratic presidential nominee “could not recall” the process for determining a drone strike target, when she first received a clearance, or how any data stored on her BlackBerry was destroyed. The FBI interviewed her in the course of its investigation into her use of a private email server while at the Department of State. The FBI characterized Clinton’s answers as “could not recall” or “did not remember” 40 times in the summary.

Clinton also “was not aware” or “did not know” information — such as that “C” stands for “classified.” (RELATED: Clinton Found Ample Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act)

The FBI dumped the summary of its investigation under mounting public pressure following FBI Director James Comey’s July announcement that the FBI would not recommend criminal charges against Clinton.

Source: The Daily Caller