May 2, 2024

Will the Democrats Dump ‘Overheated’ Hillary?


Few would have thought this even a couple of weeks ago, but almost certainly many Democrats are wondering in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s sudden “overheating” at the 9/11 memorial service whether it would be advisable to escort Hillary to the wings and bring forth a more acceptable candidate.

In other words, she could do, or be forced to do, what most of us did at one time or other in school—use a doctor’s note to get out!

The motivations for this medical excuse would be considerably deeper than the obvious fact that the former secretary of State has health issues of some sort.  Two other far more important factors account for Donald Trump’s catching her in the polls.

1. She is a known liar with credibility issues that make Nixon seem like Diogenes.  Most recently we have learned that one of Hillary’s minions wiped clean her private email server’s  hard drive with industrial-strength BleachBit software only weeks after a congressional investigation was launched into the emails. Involving national security, this action dwarfs the famous Watergate tape erasure and is arguably the most execrable obstruction of justice in modern American history. Nevertheless, the Department of Justice and the FBI have thus far let this slip by, allowing ambition and partisanship to eclipse the rule of law.  And the questions are just beginning… about the server and the Clinton Foundation and… and… and… well into any possible Hillary Clinton administration.

2. Through the recent “buckets of deplorables” scandal, Mrs. Clinton has finally unmasked herself as a contemptuous elitist who completely disrespects and radically misjudges roughly one-quarter of her fellow Americans.  How would such a person ever bring our country together under her presidency?

Will this happen? Will that doctor’s note get written? Watch the next few days of polls. If Trump continues to rise, calls will go out to Joe Biden—and not necessarily on a secure line. In no time, calls will go out to the doctors as well.  You don’t have to be as credulous as Chris Cillizza to know you can always find a doctor to write something you want.  Hillary clearly already has.  It’s easy enough to get a second opinion.

Source: PJMedia
