May 2, 2024

Bill Clinton’s Victims Defend Trump: Hillary ‘Protects A Rapist,’ She Should Drop Out


The women Bill Clinton allegedly sexually assaulted are coming to Donald Trump’s defense arguing that unlike his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, the GOP nominee never attacked rape victims or protected a “rapist.”

“Hillary calls Trump’s remarks ‘horrific’ while she lives with and protects a ‘Rapist’.  Her actions are horrific,” Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of rape, tweeted Saturday.

She added, “How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. [Donald Trump] said bad things! [Hillary Clinton] threatened me after [Bill Clinton] raped me.”

Broaddrick was responding to vulgar comments Trump made about women in 2005. After audio of the lewd language leaked Friday, Clinton said the comments were “horrific.”

While some Republicans have also called for Trump to drop out of the race, another Bill Clinton victim said Saturday that Clinton is the one who should step down.

“The Hag has called us bimbos,sluts,trailer trash,whores,skanks. From one woman to her rapist’s victims.When will u resign from ur campaign?” Kathleen Willey, who accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her, tweeted.

Willey added that even though what Trump said was “wrong,” at least “he apologized” and never “brutally raped anyone”

“DT apologized.Where are Bill, and the Hag’s apologies to Juanita, Paula, Eileen, Gennifer, Dolly, me? We’re waiting,we’re not holding our breaths,” she tweeted.

On Facebook, another Bill Clinton victim slammed the Clintons arguing that what they have done is worse than what Trump said.

“I don’t recall that Bill or Hillary has ever apologized to me and Juanita Broaddrick or Kathleen Willey yet Bill was getting his wee wee sucked under the Oval Office desk and still won a second term, UNBELIEVABLE!,” wrote Paula Jones, who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment, according to The American Mirror.

Source: The Daily Caller
