May 5, 2024

NEW leaked email exposes Hillary’s TRUE intentions, COLLUDING with Soros to…


What is the end goal of Black Lives Matter? They tell us they’re not anti-police, just “anti-police brutality,” but their actions clearly betray that. One could point to the countless anti-police signs and chants seen at their rallies (or the slaughter of officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, for example), but the actions of their followers don’t represent the movement, one could counter.

That’s until you realize that the founders of the group idolize and are inspired by convicted and escaped cop killer Assata Shakur.

I (The Analytical Economist) am not even convinced the end goal of the movement is the end of police brutality. Look at their demands (released through a splinter group called The Movement for Black Lives) and you’ll be more likely to feel like you’re reading the Communist Party platform than a list of demands from a group that claims to be concerned with police brutality.

Now, the newly-leaked Wikileaks emails shine some light into what the movement’s real end goal is — federal oversight of the police — and, even more troubling, that the Clinton campaign is in on it.

Via the Daily Caller:

Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal the Clinton campaign’s coordination with George Soros’s Open Society Foundations on the subject of police reform.

Soros, who has given almost $10 million to Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, is a major funder of Black Lives Matter. The Washington Times reported in August that Soros has given at least $33 million to the group through the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which he funds and controls.

As WZ notes, the coordination is likely illegal, as campaigns are not supposed to be coordinating with SuperPACS.

Both OSF and Clinton have called to crack down on police officers’ “implicit bias.”

As reported by The Daily Caller last month, internal OSF documents say the mainstreaming of “implicit bias” is meant to serve as a foundation from which to overhaul the nation’s anti-discrimination laws and make it easier to file racial discrimination lawsuits by eliminating the need to prove intent.

“Implicit bias,” by the way, is just the new way to say “racism.” After decades of branding everything they disagree with “racist,” even liberals are aware that the word has lost all meaning, apparently.

And what is the end goal? As stated previously, federal oversight of the police — which is confirmed in the newly-leaked Podesta emails:

A December 2015 email exchange between Podesta and OSF president Chris Stone was included in the batch of Podesta’s emails released by WikiLeaks on Friday.

“Hi, John. Your policy team was asking me for ideas on police reform a couple of months ago. Here’s a concrete idea I’ve written up, and a good hook for it in Chicago,” Stone wrote.

Stone attached to the email an article he wrote that advocated putting federally-funded bureaucrats in charge of police oversight.

“Thanks Chris. Will circulate. Hope all is well,” Podesta replied.

Breitbart reported back in August that “A leaked document from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations exposes the billionaire’s level of involvement in attempting to build what his organization describes as a “national movement” to reform local police forces across the U.S. The reform largely consists of federal guidelines for local police forces.” You can read more in detail about those plans here.

The newly-leaked emails just reveal Hillary Clinton’s campaign is with this movement — which should be a frightening thought to Americans.

Meanwhile, I’m interested to see what percentage of BLM’s membership is aware that it’s a rich old white guy behind the scenes pulling the strings.
