May 5, 2024

Are Donald Trump’s remarks more important than Hillary Clinton’s record?


The hypocrisy and bias of the liberal media was exposed once again this past weekend when a tape was made public by the Clinton campaign. Through the Washington Post, this video showed Donald Trump using vulgar and inappropriate language while trying to seduce a woman 10+ years ago.

The remarks made by Trump triggered an immediate reaction from the Hillary Clinton campaign, liberals and spectrums of news outlets.

Immediately the mainstream media tried to bury Trump with severe criticism. Hillary said, “This is horrible. We can not allow this man to be president.” Following this, some people even asked Trump to resign from his candidacy.

Trump was quick to acknowledge his mistake and apologized even saying, “I was wrong”. However, no matter what Trump says, the leftist liberal democrats will never accept his apology or look to the wrongdoings of Bill and Hillary Clinton. And to their friends in the media, this is the perfect opportunity to ruin Trump’s campaign.

I am not trying to defend or excuse Trump, but let’s be objective, we cannot compare Hillary’s actions with Trump’s remarks. While Trump’s comments were rude and inappropriate, Hillary’s actions have been illegal.

Did the FBI ever investigate Donald Trump? Did anyone die as a consequence of his words? Did Trump ever destroy emails and cell phones in order to avoid federal prosecution?

hillary-scandals-750Hillary Clinton is using every weapon she can to destroy Trump while she hides her past from the public. Sadly, for liberals and democrats, and even some republicans, Trump’s vocabulary is more important than Hillary’s criminal behavior.

If we really want to establish some differences between the two candidates, let’s compare Hillary’s record as a politician and Trump’s record as businessman.

Trump built an international empire that brought income and prosperity to thousands in the US and abroad. While he was succeeding in business, Hillary started a Foundation that became her largest source of dubious income.

For all of his life, Trump has been a businessman, and has had highs and lows while conducting business. He is not perfect. However, Hillary Clinton has been a career politician with a countless number of scandals behind her. Hillary’s ethical compass is so skewed, she went as far as to put the country’s national security at risk in order to advance her political ambitions.

And for those who asked Trump to step down, let me ask you something. Why didn’t you ask Hillary to quit the race after she obstructed the FBI’s investigation by deleting emails and destroying phones? Why didn’t you ask her to step down when she abandoned Americans under the terrorist attack in Benghazi?

Hillary Clinton called Trump’s remarks “horrific” while she has remained silent regarding the multiple sexual scandals her husband has been involved in. Unlike Bill Clinton, Donald Trump has never been accused of raping a woman.

The video of Trump once again exposed liberal bias. I am referring to the purposeful blind eye to Hillary’s reactions regarding the testimonies of women that were abused by her husband. Following the publication of the video, several women decided to speak out.

619175_re_donald-trump-invites-bill-clinton8217s-accusers-to-sit-in-2nd-debate-front-rowJuanita Broaddrick recently tweeted: “how many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. Donald Trump said bad things! Hillary Clinton threatened me after Bill Clinton raped me”. Broaddrick also accused Hillary of living and protecting a “rapist.” Her actions are horrible, she added.

Paula Jones, another victim of Bill Clinton, said: “so Donald Trump had to apologize. I don’t recall that Bill or Hillary had apologized to me.”

And Kathleen Willey said, “Donald Trump apologized. Where are Bill, and the Hag’s apologies to Juanita, Paula, Eileen, Gennifer, Dolly, me? We’re waiting, we’re not holding our breath.”

Donald Trump recognized his mistake and apologized to the American people for his remarks. Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for Benghazi? For destroying phones and deleting emails? Even worse, not only did she fail to apologize for her own actions, she also failed to apologize to the women Bill Clinton sexually abused. Rather than apologizing, she threatened and intimidated them. These actions really show how much she cares for women, Right?

Yes, what our politicians say is important, but what they do means much more. Unfortunately, for the liberal media, it’s too much to ask for the truth. To them, Donald Trump’s inappropriate words are more important than the scandals and criminal activity that Hillary Clinton has been engaged in for three decades.

Let’s be honest. Trump’s remarks don’t change his vision for this country and Hillary’s criticism to his comments don’t change her criminal record.
