May 7, 2024

Warning issued over ‘new Tower of Babel’

global-governance‘Attempts at ‘globalism’ in the Bible were destroyed or dispersed by the Lord’

It’s the key choice of the 2016 election – nationalism versus globalism.

And this existential choice goes beyond shaping who is the next president or determining the future of the United States. It has deep spiritual and eternal significance for all believers, leaders of the Christian faith explain.

They say it’s the new Tower of Babel.

“Globalism is not a biblical concept,” says pastor Carl Gallups. Gallups, an expert in eschatology and author of the new book “When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time.” He argues there is deep spiritual significance in the contemporary push for one world government.

“The only attempts at achieving ‘globalism’ presented in the Bible were destroyed or dispersed by the Lord,” he said. β€œWe are also informed through warnings of biblical end time prophecies that a globalist spirit and leader will be the defining characteristic of the days of great tribulation that are to come upon the whole Earth. And this ‘Antichrist’ system, which includes globalism, is presented to us as the epitome of evil which is ultimately destroyed by the second coming.”

Though it is not seen as popular in the mainstream media, Gallups argues the principle of nationalism is actually a deeply biblical idea “strongly supported in the Scriptures.”

He says separate nations provide a kind of “relief valve” for the oppressed to flee to. The United States in particular has served long served as a refuge for people around the world.

“For this very reason,” warned Gallups, “the powers of darkness have attempted to destroy the concept of a sovereign America since its inception.”

Indeed, Bill Cloud of Shoreshim Ministries, author of “Esau Rising: Ancient Adversaries and the War for America’s Soul,” says globalism is nothing less than the spirit of Antichrist.

“I believe that it is Antichrist because it defies the purposes of God,” Cloud claimed. “And like the spirit of Antichrist – which has long been in the world – globalism has been around since the beginning when Nimrod (a prototype of Antichrist) compelled the people to come together and ‘build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.’ That city would be known later as Babylon.

“The stated purpose of these early Babylonians was to establish their name. The Hebrew word ‘shem’ translated as ‘name’ actually insinuates ‘authority.’ This means they wished to establish their own authority as superior to God’s. This is substantiated by the fact that they balked at being ‘scattered abroad across the face of the earth.’ When Noah and sons left the Ark, they were told by God to spread out and replenish the earth. Nimrod and those who built Babylon wanted to come together and be of one language and one speech.

“I might add here that Babylon was constructed of brick. The importance of this is brick is man-made. Men take clay, straw and water and mix it all together so that each of those components loses its uniqueness. It becomes something else entirely and is uniform with all the other bricks.”

He said, “In other words, from the beginning Babylonian thinking is about coexistence, tolerance and globalism. In sharp contrast to this, we see that Jerusalem – the city of our God – is comprised entirely of stone, each stone being unique and fashioned by the hand of the Creator.”

Cloud also says nationalism isn’t just permitted by God – it was ordained by God. Distinctiveness, he argues, is part of the divine order.

“The Scripture tells us that God established boundaries for the nations, in Genesis 10:5 and Deuteronomy 32:8, and ordained that there be distinct tribes and nations,” he observed. “Globalism is man’s attempt to erase those boundaries in order to create the world he wants – once again undermining the purposes of God. I would suggest that globalism is the physical manifestation of man’s desire to erase the moral and lawful boundaries established by God in much the same way as same sex marriage. It will not come to a good end.”

Cloud explained globalism is often used as a way to undermine Christianity by promoting the idea all religions are basically the same.

“More and more Americans are abandoning the path that was blazed by our forefathers and are turning to ‘other gods’ and other philosophies, this idea all faiths are acceptable to God,” he mourned. “This way of thinking – coexistence – is the religion of Babylon. It says: ‘Let’s come together and be one; let’s build something of bricks rather than stone. Let’s establish our authority as superior to the Creator’s and abandon His purposes.’ That is Babylonian thinking and has overtaken America and the world today.”

Cloud sees a warning in Revelation for the globalists.

“There is a woman described for us in Revelation 17 that has an epithet written on her forehead: ‘Mystery, Babylon the great. The mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.’ I find it fascinating that this is written on her for head, as if to say, on her mind. And how she thinks is how she acts. It tells us that she commits fornication with the kings of the earth, that is, she mixes and mingles with them. She coexists with them and, as a result, the entire globe is ‘made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’ In other words the whole world starts thinking in terms of coexistence and globalism.

“When Christians embrace spiritually foreign concepts and philosophies to accommodate the wishes and desires of fallen man, the one God is replaced by many gods. And according to the Bible, when nations in covenant with God turn away from Him, other entities and powers move in and rule over God’s people.”

Jonathan Cahn, the world famous messianic rabbi and bestselling author of several books including his newest title, “The Book of Mysteries,” agreed globalism is usually used as a tactic to undermine the faith.

“I don’t know that globalism is inherently anti-Christian, or anti-Christian by necessity but it has often been joined to that which is anti-Christian,” Cahn contended. “One reason may go back to Babel. The idea of mankind joining together to produce a utopian project or existence, whether the Tower of Babel or a worldwide Communist state, generally sets itself at war, implicitly or explicitly, with the Kingdom of God. The very idea that man can achieve a utopia or heaven on earth veers in the direction of godhood.

“Then we have the prophetic picture of an end times global state at war with God. And then there’s the fact that most of the world culture has been less Christian than traditional American culture. Thus the subverting of American culture to world culture has often carried with it an anti-Christian subtext.”

To Karl Payne, the former chaplain of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks and an expert in spiritual warfare, globalism is “little more than another verse of man’s rebellion against God that took place at the Tower of Babel.”

However, Payne warns something far worse than the scattering of the peoples is coming.

“Human nature is still human nature, with nothing new under the sun,” Payne said. “The Bible clearly indicates that a worldwide ruler is coming who will present himself to the world as God, in rebellion and defiance against the true God.

“The consequences of this rebellion of man against the rule of God are going to be far more severe when Jesus returns to judge the leadership of the rebellion and all those who have joined in the revolt according to Revelation 19:11-21. Jesus’s destruction of those who oppose the rule of God will be followed by the revealing and inaugurating His promised millennial kingdom reign over the entire earth, Revelation 20:4-6. This time around, man’s pride and rebellion are going to lead to death and destruction rather than just the confusing of languages and the canceling of a shortsighted building program attempting to worship the creation rather than the Creator.”

Mark Biltz, head of El Shaddai Ministries, the discoverer of the “Blood Moons” phenomenon and the author of the new book “God’s Day Timer,” agreed with this analysis and maintained globalism, at its core, is not about the elimination of political boundaries. It’s about the elimination of moral boundaries.

“Look at how it is marketed,” he urged. “If you Google ‘no borders’ or ‘no boundaries,’ you find images that say ‘true love has no boundaries,’ or slogans like ‘no borders, no nations, no gods.’ In contrast, Biltz argues for maintaining the prohibitions and sanctions within God’s law. And the pastor passionately declared national independence is a part of God’s law.

“The Bible declares there must be borders and boundaries that are to be honored and respected, be that national borders or personal boundaries,” he said. “Every nation should believe in their own sovereignty and independence. With independence one can see what type of government works and what doesn’t allowing everyone to learn from each other. Americans should be very independent and do everything they can to push away the globalist agenda.”

And Biltz said the ancient history of the nation most important to God shows the importance of preserving national sovereignty.

“The nation of Israel was intended to be the light of the world, showing what a Godly nation would be like,” said Biltz. “Instead they wanted to be like all the other nations and their light went out.”

Extraordinary events predicted centuries in advance are unfolding now. Here is your guide to the incredible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. Don’t miss the bestselling sensation from one of America’s most prolific and beloved pastors. “When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time” by Carl Gallups.Β 

Source: WND

