May 12, 2024



What’s that, you just now said?

You said, there’s “demonstrations?” There’s “walkouts?” There’s “Trump hatred”?

And it’s “all across the land?”

Know what? I don’t care.

No. I don’t give a sh*t.

Here’s why: these are so fraudulent, pointless, organized, planned, non-spontaneous, and financed by foreigners, that I refuse to help spread their “glorious peoples’ revolution” details. Let them burn down their own cities in peace, I say. And if they can reduce their own numbers by some means, why, that’s fine with me, too.

Also, I don’t care ANYthing about what illegals, Jihadists, and anti-white racists tell me I MUST do. About ANYthing.

Contrarily, however, before any liberals soil themselves here, I shall add this remark: if it were coming from anti-black, or anti-brown, etc., white racists, I would certainly condemn those racists and work against them, as I have always done and written.

So: this is not a “racist” rant. And soon enough, I will never have to resort to this DEGRADING, obligatory obeisance to political correctness ever again, with respect to your “feelings,” as I shall explain.

But, returning to the lawless, organized, stupid, Marxist and Jihadi-led, violent riots, the main reason I don’t personally want to “cover” such activities, is: I don’t want to help spread their organized, planned propaganda and, “false flag operations.”

You are free to read about it.

For me, if tattooed criminals and rapists from other hemispheres, lizard people from space, or “illuminati,” or creatures somehow in the employ of foreigners,  want to spread violence, destruction, hatred, racism, and dissension, I say, let them have whatever are their rights.

And then arrest them and slam their gluteus’s in jail. And the jail can be cold, wet, and locked down 24 hours a day. And the food can be Israeli Kosher, or cold grits with bacon fat, or whatever the coming new head of DHS—Sheriff Joe Arpaio—wants to feed them.

Because WE won the Election Tuesday night. We won a new world. A world free of YOU, Barack and Hillary. A world free of your evil, stupid, psychotic, grandiosity and imagined royalty, and your odd, strange, grim-faced, sour-looking families. Why do they look so angry? What do they know; what have you told them?

It no longer matters.Because we won a new world, where law and the Constitution will rule. A world where you and your horde should be banished from the hearing and sight of “folks” who’ve had enough of your lying bullsh*t.

Oh, you should be allowed what our laws guarantee you. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nobody should physically obstruct or harm you—ever. That’s not who we are. You are the way you are, and that’s life. Go forth and multiply; be happy; do your thang, yo.

Oh. And you could take your godforsaken, evil, lying media whores with you into wherever you end up? Their job is done. They have failed. They are defunct. They are like lost souls—if they have souls, if they have not sold their souls. We “folks”out here will not listen to or watch them or believe them ever again. Neither will we buy what they sell. Neither will we countenance such fools. And THESE—these lying, violent, agendized, disruptive, cockroaches, will we challenge and loathe them wherever they may reappear. May their lying, divisive, propaganda networks be utterly destroyed and wiped out for all time.

We will shine the lamp of freedom on your horde. The light of Truth, Justice, and the American Way, will scatter them like roaches. Americans do not yet realize fully what they have regained. What they have won back. Ten years of servitude to you and your cowed, silent, open borders predecessor and apparent co-conspirator, have enslaved and numbed them.

But when they fully awaken to what they have just now accomplished…and when they realize the invisible chains of prison Planet Obama have been struck from their limbs and minds…then….

…then will the fragrant, heady vintage of freedom,  and lawful justice, be trampled out; where the grapes of wrath are stored.

So. Let’s see you riot and burn THAT down.

Jeffrey A. Friedberg is a former, Big City, licensed private detective and operated his own detective agency. He has also been an undercover anti-crime operative, a DOD-cleared security provider, a nuclear plant security provider, and an Internet website optimizer and promoter. He earned a BA degree by majoring in English Literature, with a minor in Sociology. Also at university, he studied infrastructure of the Kuomintang, the Yakusa, counter-insurgency, Soviet and Nazi propaganda techniques, Shoto-Kan Karate (under Teryuki Okazaki), Judo, and other matters. Drawing on his investigative experience, Friedberg has made himself the author of seven paranormal political thriller books on Amazon.

Source: Canada Free Press

