May 3, 2024

I Know Steve Bannon, He’s Not a Racist Crackpot Like Rev. Wright or Terrorist Bomber Like Bill Ayers

Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Reince Priebus

The corrupt media had NO PROBLEM with Obama’s nutcase preaher, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached political hatred against America and the Jews.

The corrupt media had NO PROBLEM with Obama’s mentor – terrorist bomber Bill Ayers.

ayers 9-11

But on Sunday the ENTIRE MAINSTREAM MEDIA began attacking Stephen Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News and Trump’s chief strategist.

The New York Times called Steve Bannon the “Voice of Racism” in their latest headline.

I know Steve Bannon and he is not a racist, sexist, Jew-hater or homophobe.
The media is lying to you again.

Back in August 2013, I came down with a sepsis bacterial attack that nearly killed me. I suffered five strokes, had major heart damage, lost vision in one eye, lost a knee to infection and nearly died.

During this very difficult time Steve Bannon, Larry Solov and the late Mike Flynn reached out to my assistant and volunteered to keep The Gateway Pundit going until I was well enough to start writing again. Steve Bannon is a class act.

Steve Bannon even ran a tribute for me on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM asking for prayers and support during my time of need. That was Breitbart. That was Steve Bannon.


Over the years Steve has been very kind, respectful and generous to me. Steve and Larry awarded me the Breitbart Award for journalism in 2015.

Steve Bannon also kept the vision of alive and smashed company traffic records by generating 192 million page-views, 31 million unique visitors, and 89 million sessions in August.

Out of the tens of thousands of posts on, the left cherry-picked 5-10 questionable posts to attack Steve Bannon.
Steve had nothing to do with these cherry-picked posts.
Steve Bannon does not have a racist or sexist or homophobic bone in his body.

I congratulate Steve Bannon for his many successes and for his appointment on Sunday as Donald Trump’s head of Strategy.
Our nation is lucky to have Steve Bannon at Donald Trump’s side.

Andrew Marcus added….

