May 7, 2024


patriotic_eagle_american_flag_background-1-1024x768After this historic 2016 election, a heavy weight has been lifted from America’s shoulders. It was an extraordinary feat of the silent majority. They bravely decided to do their part and vote. It was long overdue.

Co-Sponsored by The Ronald Reagan Lecture Series, Executive Director, Andrea Thornock, presented speaker Agustin Blazquez at  the 17th Annual Freedom Leadership Conference, November 12, 2016, Wyndham Hotel, Chantilly, VA.    Below is the text of Blazquez’s speech.

After this historic 2016 election, a heavy weight has been lifted from America’s shoulders. It was an extraordinary feat of the silent majority. They bravely decided to do their part and vote. It was long overdue.

Living in a country where you have the freedom of electing your government, it’s the citizen’s duty to vote. You should never abstain or write in a name. Doing so results in helping a candidate you do not intend to help.

I’m sure some votes were wasted this time–imagine the outcome if only a few more had done so.

Always keep in mind what John Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” A most important responsibility is to be aware and vote–not with emotion but with responsibility.

So now that America selected Donald Trump as our next President, we all have to collaborate with his ongoing success, because after 8 years of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” in the wrong direction, there is a lot to do to restore America to what it was and beyond–making this country the “great” it can be again.

You have to face it, what Obama was doing and what Hillary said she wanted to continue doing, was to convert this capitalist nation into a socialist nation–a basket case beholden to the rest of the world.

That implies the continued destruction of the middle class and division with a corrupt ruling government elite with perks and privileges–that Hillary was already practicing–and a working class living at lower and lower levels.

It happened in my former country [Cuba] where I had my first-hand experience living through a fundamental transformation.

When Obama mentioned “fundamental transformation” Americans didn’t understand what he was talking about. What was crystal clear to me went over the heads of most. Not because I am more intelligent.

Immigrants and refugees from other socialist-communist countries with experiences like mine also easily saw what he was doing.

Now, with Trump as President, we can begin the restoration of America to what it was and beyond, where jobs are available, where we are able to speak freely without the constraints of the insidious political correctness dictating what we can and cannot say

Political correctness is hereby dead!

But, we must not relax and become passive depending on this new government to take care of us. Freedom is not free.

The “liberal” mainstream media has already declared war against Trump and the Republicans.

Something you must understand is that the “liberal” mainstream media has been cooperating with Obama and Hillary and is not standing on the side of freedom. They were and will continue to be, on the side of the elite.

We must remain on alert and active, writing letters to the editors, calling stations to complain about their bias. Complain to the sponsors of newscasts and TV shows. Use your power to increase the ratings of TV, radio, websites, that do balanced reporting. Expose bias to family and friends.

From the results of this election, and conversations with family and friends, it is obvious that too many voters got all of their information from the biased, left-leaning media.

Taxpayer supported PBS newscasts are very biased–they worked very hard for Hillary against the fate of the taxpayer in favor of the elite. Please do not donate money to PBS.

I hope they get defunded and let’s see if they can make it on their own merit.

Way too many Hillary supporters were dependent on the misleading information of mainstream media. Others voted only on emotion, not able to mention a single issue. That is not what President Kennedy had in mind.

Pay special attention to students. They are being indoctrinated by their Marxist professors who have invaded the school system from kindergarten up.

Parents are losing control of the raising of their children as in the case of teen abortion without parental consent. Even Obama’s daughter found the desire to try pot.

The educational system needs a complete restoration, including removal of Common Core.

Watch what your children and grandchildren are being taught at school, college, university and raise hell at the school and school board.

Also, be aware, once and for all, that for decades, many members of Congress are members of an International Socialist Organization that was created by the former Soviet Union.

Even after the Communist transformation in the late 1990s, it is still operating with the same agenda and goals to establish a global Socialist-Communist society.

The U.S. is the prime target and they have gotten very close while you are not paying attention.

I hope during the Trump administration that can be corrected because it’s the opposite of the foundation of this country.

This country is Capitalist not Socialist. And believe me, you don’t want Socialism!

Since the 1960s, the liberal media and academia have been pushing an academic curriculum geared to culturally reprogram generations of Americans. Their goal is to eliminate individual thinking and replace it with collective thinking.

They substitute individual classroom desks with group tables in an effort to foster group behavior and minimize individuality of the members of the working class.

That is part of the scheme of collectivism, which is part of the make-up of Socialism and Communism–the creation of “followers” rather than “thinkers.”

The concept of America’s Capitalism is individuality, self-reliance and self-responsibility.

We see now that school children are horrified at the result of this election! They are protesting and need counseling! What are their professors telling them to scare them?!

As of late, we have a new generation that has been taught at school that business owners are evil and government is good.

We have now a generation of dependents with no sense of responsibility.

They do not know about civics, history, geography and in too many cases they don’t even learn how to read and write. In the near future they will not be able to read the Declaration of Independence!

And what about “sensitivity” and “diversity” training? This and other apparently benign schemes are just a way to re-educate citizens for specific big government goals.

They are brainwashing techniques to change the way of thinking with the ulterior motive to conform to live in a collective society as a dutiful follower.

In the beginning of the 1959 communist revolution in Cuba, these same re-education techniques were implemented. I hope that all of them are eventually discontinued with the same wave that elected Trump.

So, keep up your guard, be alert, noisy and proactive to maintain the responsibilities and gifts of our Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the greatest country ever, the United States of America.


© 2016 ABIP

Agustin Blazquez, producer/director of the documentary series COVERING CUBA and Art & Politics

CONNECTING THE DOTS and Ivan’s journey, The Natural Pastor,” and numerous music, fitness, political and art productions. Author with Carlos Wotzkow of the book “Covering and Discovering” and Foreword, back cover and translation of “THE MAFIA OF HAVANA: The Cuban COSA NOSTRA” by Luis Grave de Peralta Morell, and more than 300 articles.
