May 6, 2024


A MASKED FANATIC JUST KILLED YOUR….This “monster” seems to be doing almost everything it can to import as many—according to the FBI—unknown, not vettable, and possibly very dangerous Muslims into America. Seemingly it’s also doing this as fast as it can.

And if you think Americans as a whole have ANY idea what’s coming to their streets, schools, and daycare centers, you would be very wrong. You could be so wrong that you might end up dead from it.

Let me relate a true incident. I was in a supermarket I have been using for ten years, here in New Mexico, USA.

I suddenly observed a very large, fast moving, intense person. This person stood about 5’9”, weighed about 260 lbs, was was clad, head to toe, in both a billowing, black, Islamic burka and gloves.

The only body parts visible were the eyes, which looked—to me—mean, and were intensely scanning. We made eye contact and all my “street” alarms went off.

You might say, “Oh, come on, Jeff. You’re being unfair, just because they were dressed in robes appropriate to their fine culture.”

Nope. Not hardly.

Because, this Islamically dressed individual carried something UNDER the burka. It was a straight object about 2’ long. It was carried parallel to the floor, under the left arm, obviously slung by some means over the left shoulder.

A HUGE, fast moving person swathed in billowing black, carrying what could have been a slung, bullpup machine gun—or some other type of possible carbine: a rifle; a firearm; a gun.

This masked person could even have been a man, from what I observed. An armed man.

However—why I’m telling you this—it was apparent that my fellow shoppers, wanted to seem “fair,” and “non-islamophobic.”

They tried to give zero outward recognition of these bizarre circumstances. They acted as if this were a normal, every day, and good thing.

“Good” Americans. Fair. Impartial. Open. Welcoming.


Fools, open to slaughter.

Oh, by the way, I assure you this black-clad, billowing, rushing figure did not go unnoticed by several nearby “other” types of Americans, who seemed alert and “ready.”

Nothing happened. The figure scanned the store, head swiveling like a gun turret, and left at high speed, continuing to look back—the left hand resting on top of the long, covered object slung over the left shoulder.

What was it all about; a test; a dry run; nothing at all? I don’t know.

To be fair: It could have been a handbag.

Could have been a special carrier for several submarine sandwiches.

Could have been a pizza in one of those warmers.

“Holiday” Presents?

From around the web

You—you “kind-hearted, compassionate, welcoming” Americans had better understand what’s been unleashed upon you. It’s not just coming; it’s already here.

And this thing itself—what’s been dumped on your heads, what’s “already here”—this thing, it is not “fair;” it’s not “compassionate;” and it doesn’t love you. And it has a “Holy” doctrine it follows. It has this One Book.

And by “Holy” directives in that book, this Thing will never stop, never quit, and will never go away–Never. Not ever.

Because it is mandated therein that all of you Infidels must be made dead or subjugated in thrall to a “religious,” Global, World-Wide Rule.

And, from Jihadist examples already graphically shown to us in “the west,”it would be an all-consuming Rule of terror, murder, and perverted lust.

According to Non-Fake News Sources, these monsters say they are also planning violence, murder, and destruction for the day of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration.

To innocent bystanders, and maybe even some good Obama-type Liberals in the crowd. It doesn’t matter to the monsters. Because monsters have no sympathy for you.

Oh. I’ve heard it suggested that one second after Trump is inaugurated, B-52’s should be over ISIS camps and installations, and solve that particular problem forever.

As to “innocent bystanders and civilians,” in those countries? Me? Want my opinion?

I don’t care.

If millions of “folks” can’t, or won’t, throw off a few thousand thugs wearing basketball sneakers, then they are apparently on the wrong side; and they should get out, get down, or get behind something.

From, DailyMail


“The 18-year-old man was stabbed to death at the University of the Arts….

“He was discovered with stab wounds and was pronounced dead at hospital….

“A witness, who did not want to be named, said the boy had two stab wounds in the stomach and another in the face and was covered ‘head to toe in blood’.”

Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with [Extreme] Violence Against Americans.

“The Center for Security Policy released a poll Tuesday that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that [extreme] violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam.

“A full majority of 51% agreed that ‘Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.’

“A full 25% of those polled agreed that ‘violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.’

“For those who don’t know, Sharia Law is nothing less than the Nazi-ification of a religion.

“Sharia authorizes murder against non-believers who won’t convert, horrific oppression of women, the execution of gays, the extermination of Jews, and the beheading of anyone who draws Muhammad.”

Americans: be alert; be lawfully ready; gather closely to you, your families, relatives, friends, good neighbors, and local police and government authorities who support Donald J. Trump, and be prepared.

For Anything.


And be nice.

