May 6, 2024

Watch: Tucker Carlson blasts Rachel Maddow, MSNBC for blaming Venezuelan crisis on Trump.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at MSNBC and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on his show Friday after Maddow blamed recent unrest in Venezuela on President Donald Trump.

Violent protests and riots continue in Venezuela as the socialist government asserts more and more power over its people. Venezuelans, upset about their poverty, lack of food and lack of rights have taken to the streets to protest Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his government. The protests have resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen citizens, according to CNN.

Though Venezuelans are clear in why they’re protesting, that didn’t stop Maddow from alleging on her show Thursday that Trump is the source of Venezuelan outrage.

According to Maddow, Venezuelans are “enraged” over an alleged connection between a top Venezuelan businessman and the Trump administration, which allegedly accepted inauguration donations in exchange for a promise to lift sanctions put on Venezuela by the Obama administration in 2014. Those sanctions were established after the Venezuelan government killed dozens of anti-government protesters.

But according to Carlson, Maddow’s accusations is just another example of why Americans don’t trust the mainstream media.

“For news abuse, we bring you a snapshot from America’s decadent and decaying media establishment. And in the spotlight this evening: MSNBC. As we told you recently, there are a lot of reasons why Venezuela’s people are upset, and at this point rising up in violent protests against their socialist government,” Carlson began.

“There’s no toilet paper or meat there. The currency is worthless. The murder rate is perhaps the highest in the world. The Supreme Court has tried to abolish the entire legislature for daring to oppose the dictator who’s running the place into the ground,” he continued. “It’s a disaster in Venezuela.”

“So given all of this, who did MSNBC blame for the turmoil there? If you guessed Donald Trump give yourself a million worthless Venezuelan Bolivars as a prize. According to MSNBC, the real reason Venezuelans are upset is that CITGO petroleum — that’s a subsidiary of the state oil company — donated money to Trump’s inaugural fund,” Carlson explained.

“That’s a crime according to [MSNBC], apparently a sin worse than completely destroying their own country,” Carlson added.


Source: The Blaze
