May 13, 2024

President Trump Salutes People of Poland: “One Million Poles Sang Three Simple Words ‘We Want God!’” (VIDEO)

Thousands of Polish citizens gathered in Krasinski Square in Warsaw, Poland Thursday to see the 45th president of the United States and his beautiful wife Melania.

The Polish crowd started chanting, “Donald Trump!” and “USA! USA!” before Melania introduced her husband President Donald Trump.

This was an amazing event for the president and his wife.

President Trump told the story of the time one million Poles stood in Krasinski Square and sang, “We want God!”

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: “Your oppressor’s tried to break you but Poland could not be broken. (Applause) And when the day came on June 2nd, 1979, and 1 million Poles gathered around victory square for their very first mass with their Polish pope, that day every communist in Warsaw must have known that their oppressive system which soon come crashing down. (Applause) They must have known it at the exact moment during Pope John Paul II’s sermon when a million Polish men, women, and children, suddenly raised their voices in the single prayer. A million Polish people did not ask for wealth. They did not ask for privilege. Instead, 1 million Poles saying three simple words: ‘We want God.’”
