April 27, 2024

Clapper Questions Whether Trump Is Fit For Office, So Trump CRUSHES Him

President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to respond to James Clapper’s recent insinuation that he lacks the fitness to execute his presidential duties:

On Wednesday, Clapper furthered the narrative of Trump as mentally ill, yet driven by nefarious motives: “I really question his ability to be — his fitness to be — in this office, and I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it.”

In his former capacity as Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Clapper described the Muslim Brotherhood as a “heterogeneous [and] largely secular group, which has eschewed violence.” The Muslim Brotherhood is homogeneous in its Islamic orientation, is entirely religious, and supports violence and war in pursuit of its political vision.

Clapper also lied under oath as DNI, denying the federal government’s broad interception and cataloguing of Americans’ electronic communications.

Given his former role as DNI, assorted news media outlets and politicians hype Clapper as competent in the realm of national security.

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.

Source: The Daily Wire
