May 6, 2024

MAN OF THE PEOPLE: Barack Obama Is The Most Expensive Ex-President Ever

More than Bush, Clinton, and Carter?

Former President Barack Hussein Obama proved again that all the rhetoric of “hope and change” and moving “forward” was nothing more than pandering to his left-wing base. According to reports, he and former First Lady Michelle Obama have become the most expensive ex-presidential couple in modern history.

Stephen Dinan of The Washington Post writes:

Former President Barack Obama is about to become the most expensive ex-president, costing taxpayers $1,153,000 next year, according to a new Congressional Research Service memo looking at the official allowances for the five living former chief executives.

His $1,153,000 budget request for 2018 is more than $100,000 higher than George W. Bush’s request for next year and nearly $200,000 more than Bill Clinton’s expected budget. George H.W. Bush is slated to get $942,000, while Jimmy Carter will get less than half that, at just $456,000.

Obama is not simply spending the money on lavish vacations for himself and Michelle to hobnob with European socialists and their celebrity friends. They are also renting a Washington, D.C.-based office space that is over 8,000 square feet for $536,000, all at the taxpayer’s expense.

His pension payment is the highest of all living presidents, costing Americans $236,000 a year.

Obama presented himself as a”‘man of the people” who understood the troubles of the middle and lower class. As more details about his past and behind-the-scenes activities came to light, this has proven to be false.

During his administration, he directed the government to spend millions of dollars on global warming research, gender studies, lavish vacations, golfing trips, and prosecuting his political enemies with the IRS and the Department of Justice. Meanwhile, Americans fell deeper into poverty and veterans suffered at the hands of an ambivalent VA Department.

Even though he has been out of the White House, Obama is still taking advantage of the perks of his office at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Source: The Daily Wire
