May 8, 2024

Study: Most Minorities Have Experienced Little To No Discrimination In America

The Left likes to promulgate the notion that white supremacy is rampant in America and is a major barrier to minorities advancing in society. That narrative has been skewered by a recent study showing that most minorities have experienced little to no discrimination in America.

A group of researchers conducted interviews of minorities at four different parts of their lives asking them about how often they experienced “perceived discrimination” and what they attributed that discrimination to. The result: 75% of minorities surveyed claimed the frequency of discrimination was in the “never” or “rarely ever” categories.

Here is the breakdown among racial demographics that did claim to experience discrimination: (H/T: Campus Reform)

Although racial minorities did comparatively report facing more discrimination, racial disparities were not nearly as high as expected, with only 31 percent of blacks reporting experiencing discrimination “sometimes” or “often.”

Similarly, just 27 percent of Hispanics responded similarly, followed by 23 percent of whites, and 18 percent of Asians, according to the study.

“Discrimination owing to race/ ancestry/skin color was the most commonly reported cause (around 10%), and was followed closely by economic/educational factors (around 9%), and age (around 7%),” the study states.

The study cautions that there were “limitations” with their survey.

“First, not all racial and ethnic groups represented in the United States were included in the sample,” the study states. “Second, the measure of discrimination included in the Add Health data was quite broad and could capture acts that were not necessarily discriminatory but rather unfair in nature. In turn, such a conceptualization on the part of respondents could be one reason for the preponderance of the other category as a perceived reason for the discrimination (or unfair) experience.”

The study also noted that some respondents may have forgotten certain instances of discrimination.

Researcher Brian Boutwell, who headed the study, told Campus Reform that while his study’s results were “interesting,” there were “still millions of people” who claimed to have experienced discrimination and that “more research needs to be done” on the matter.

Read the full study here.

The results from the study are buttressed by other research showing discrimination is on the decline, such as findings showing an increase in tolerance for interracial marriage over the past 50 years. The fact is that while there are still individual instances of racism in America, the country is not a bastion of intolerance as the Left would have you believe, as highlighted by the study showing that most minorities have experienced little to no discrimination in America.

Follow Aaron Bandler on Twitter.

Source: The Daily Wire
